FAQs | Hager Turkey


How can we help you?

Whether it conc­erns advice or support: we are here for you. We have collected quest­ions that we regu­larly receive, this way you will find the answer to your question in the fastest way. Can not find what you are looking for? Contact our cust­omer support. We are here for you!

Person smiling and working on laptop with notepad in modern office environment

Where can I find your price list?

To get our latest price information, please use our contact form , reach our support team by email info@hager.com.tr or reach us through whatsapp +90 530 665 75 29 .


Who can I contact to get more information about Hager products & services?

Our partners are happy to support you when­ever needed. Find your closest partner now or contact our technical experts.


Can you help me in selecting the right product for my project?

Our sales and technical experts can provide support in the selection of products and solutions. To get in touch with them, please use our contact form.


Can I purc­hase products directly from Hager?

We don't sell products directly to cust­o­mers. We rely on our strong network of distrib­utors. Find your closest partner now! 


Do you provide training on products?

We can help you in deve­l­o­ping your skills and knowl­edge about Hager solutions. Our experts provide on-site and on-demand trai­n­ings upon your conve­n­ience. Also, our how-to videos can help you with the instal­lation. Visit our Learning page now to see all our learning options.


Can you provide a quotation for cust­om­isation with Manufaktur?

Please use our contact form to address your quotation requests to our Manufaktur spec­i­a­l­ists.


Can you send me cata­lo­gues and broc­h­ures?

Our documentation is avai­lable under our Down­l­oads page. For printed vers­ions, please get in touch with our network of distrib­utors.


How can I book a visit of your show­room?

Please use our contact form to address your show­room visit requests. We'll get back to you soon to fix an appointment.


Do you have projects to share done with Hager products?

Our solutions are trusted world­wide! Disc­over some of our reference cases in the Project references page.


How can I become a Hager partner or join your network of System inte­g­rators?

Please use our contact form to address your request.


How can I be info­rmed about your latest solutions?

Subsc­ribe to our Insta­gram channel or Link­edIn channel. To receive our latest news, follow us now!

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