Cable management and trunking solutions | Hager Turkey


The desired stylish and elegant appe­a­rance in spaces is maintained by Hager cable management systems. The inno­vative product range sets new standards for modern elect­rical wiring in terms of safety, techn­o­logy, quality, economy and flex­i­bility. They have been desi­gned and manufactured to comp­l­ement Hager home automation systems.

Cable management

Data and energy deli­very are the two prere­quis­ites for any building project, whether it’s new or retro­f­itted. Modern-day offices, hotels and retail stores naturally also demand flex­ible cable systems, which can be deli­vered along floors, up walls and across ceil­ings so that tasks are accompl­ished easily and in style. Every workp­lace, room and desired applic­ation is served to last the lifec­ycle of the building and to create a harmony of design that will enhance the attract­i­ve­ness of any client’s prop­erty.

Modu­l­able and disc­reet, pop-ups for both high and low voltage conn­ect­ions are provided by acce­s­sible and upgradable trun­king on any surface, incl­uding posts that provide access to power from suspe­nded ceil­ings. Individual, made-to-measure or standard, all requirements are met from colour choices to lengths and widths. We offer plenty of cable management options that will turn a technical chal­lenge into an aest­h­et­ic­ally pleasing and satis­fying result.


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Process the elect­rical instal­lation in your floor! Today's business spaces are light, spac­ious and above all open in arch­itecture. With our floor instal­lat­ions, all elect­ricity is invis­ible under your feet.

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Mode­rn­ising resid­e­ntial and working areas to include contempo­rary elect­rical conn­ect­ions is easy and effic­ient thanks to this well-desi­gned skirting trun­king system.


To disc­over more about our expe­rtise, products and their applic­at­ions, please click on the link:

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Hager ready


Teaming up with Hager creates value for your business in mult­iple ways:

comprehensive choice

Comp­re­he­n­sive choice

You can find everyt­hing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solution: an extra­o­rd­in­arily broad range of products, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­lation

You can count on stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, rapid instal­lation of our products, thanks to our thoug­htful approach to design and construction. Even in situat­ions where the requirements are exce­pt­i­o­n­ally chal­le­n­ging.

Future proofing

Future proo­fing

Offer your cust­o­mers solutions that are built to last. We make sure our products are flex­ible, adaptable and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomo­rrow as well as those of today.



Work with confid­ence and reass­urance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can prec­isely match – or exceed – your cust­o­mers’ expectat­ions, every time.


References 1

Hotel Radisson Blue Ande­rmatt

The highest demand are more than met in this luxury elevated location with deluxe and feel­good solutions from Hager.

References 2

Svart­edals School, Gothe­n­burg

With a modern arch­itect­ural design and cutting-edge indoor and outdoor faci­l­ities, the kids and teac­hers of Svart­eda­l­ss­kolan school are now better equi­pped to deliver on their dreams!  

References 3

The Hobo Hotel, Stoc­k­holm

Award-winning inte­rior desi­gners created a unique envi­ronment for this charming bout­ique hotel in Stoc­k­holm. Modern design and funct­i­o­n­a­lity come together in style. 

We are here for you.

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solutions, support and partn­e­rship.