Svartedals school | Hager Project Sweden

Svart­edals School, Bisk­o­ps­g­arden

A modern school equi­pped for the future!

Svart­eda­l­ssc­hool is a state-of-the-art, 2,500 square meter school in Gothe­n­burg and can accom­modate 750 stud­ents from grades four to nine. When it comes to elect­rical instal­lat­ions, everyt­hing is focused on giving stud­ents the best learning faci­l­ities poss­ible with opti­m­ised building consumption and energy management solutions, while being adapted to antic­ipate future inno­vat­ions.


"The reason we chose Hager's products was because we got a good confid­ence in them. During the project, we got a lot of help."
Johan Lövgren

Supe­rvisor, Elect Service AB

Location: Bisk­o­ps­g­arden, Gothe­n­burg
Total construction time: 28 months
Comp­l­eted: Summer 2020
Purpose of venue: School
Total area: 12.400 m2

Builder: Floden Byggnads AB
Prop­erty owner: Gothe­n­burg region
Elect­rical cons­ultant: Rejlers Sverige AB
Electrician: Elect Service AB
Arch­itect: Wahlström & Stei­jner Arkite­kter AB
Prop­erty manager: Gothe­n­burg region

A modern school
equi­pped for the future!

At Svart­eda­l­ss­kolan in Bisk­o­ps­gå­rden, 66 per cent of pupils were eligible for upper seco­ndary school in 2019. This is well below the country‘s average of 85%. In recent years, the Gothe­n­burg region has there­fore invested in raising average grades. Among other things, a comp­l­etely new school has been built.

The new school, which was inaug­urated during the autumn semester 2020, is both large and modern. The arch­itect‘s office Wahlström and Stei­jner gave the building a pyramid-like shape so that it would blend in among the surro­unding hills.

The 12,500 square meter building can accom­modate 750 stud­ents in grades four to nine. In addition to school prem­ises, there is also a library, dining room, a large kitchen and a sports hall. An over-glazed atrium has also been created as a bonus area for exhib­it­ions, works­hops and perfo­rmances. When it comes to elect­rical instal­lat­ions, everyt­hing is well thought out and adapted for the future.

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Products and solutions



Resid­e­ntial trun­king

Modern office waiting area with laptop on wooden side table and electrical floor outlet

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