Energy Distribution | Hager Turkey

Energy Distri­bu­tion

Energy distribution products compatible with the entire building infrastructure, from the final distribution to the main distribution panel; create a perfectly integrated electrical distribution system for the safe, efficient and effective protection and control of electricity in residential and commercial buildings.

Protec­tion Devices

Increase resid­en­tial and building security with modular devices

Power, Control and Signaling

The comple­ment of the distri­bu­tion board

Main Incomers

ACBs, MCCBs, earth leakage relay and discon­nectors

Final Distri­bu­tion Boards

For the safest and most effi­cient distri­bu­tion of elec­tri­city

Energy Counting and Meas­ure­ment

Increase effi­ciency and save energy with energy meas­ure­ment