
Enable your cust­o­mers to effect­i­vely and easily manage their energy effic­i­ency, without comp­rom­ising on service quality, comfort and satis­faction.

Energy Management

Measure, identify and expose energy consumption. These are the princ­iples that drive all cate­go­ries buildings to become more cost-effective, sustain­able and effic­ient. Without comp­rom­ising on security or perfo­rmance, and in full regu­latory compliance, our monito­ring solutions allow for the constant and easy monito­ring of client energy networks.

By ident­i­fying ineff­ic­i­ency we are able to reduce operating costs and influence consumer behaviour. Set the param­eters with this easy-to-confi­gure system to prevent system fail­ures, and the device will autom­at­ic­ally gene­rate a comm­iss­io­ning report. By detecting energy supply and usage anom­a­lies, cust­o­mers can sustain­ably run their operat­ions 24/7 with virt­ually no downtime. In addition, our scal­able monito­ring systems are flex­ible enough to allow the inte­g­ration of a wide range of equi­pment. 




Quick and easy comiss­io­ning for instal­lers, reli­able and perfo­rming charge for users, witty range is the perfect combin­ation for resid­e­ntial and commercial prem­ises.


The new house energy management system from Hager combines energy storage, energy management cont­ro­ller, e-charging station and turns you into an energy pioneer.
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Visua­lize and analyze your energy consumption. Unde­rstand when, where and how you use energy in your building. Act where it's needed and save money.

energy meters

Measure energy effic­i­e­ntly with tailor-made solutions for each applic­ation: with opti­onal pulse measurement, M-Bus or Modbus inte­rface, or tariff control.

How-to videos

To disc­over more videos about our expe­rtise, products and their applic­at­ions, please click on the link:

Assembly 1


We'll support you thro­ug­hout your learning journey so you can grow your business.
Hager ready


Teaming up with Hager creates value for your business in mult­iple ways:

comprehensive choice

Comp­re­he­n­sive choice

You can find everyt­hing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solution: an extra­o­rd­in­arily broad range of products, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­lation

You can count on stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, rapid instal­lation of our products, thanks to our thoug­htful approach to design and construction. Even in situat­ions where the requirements are exce­pt­i­o­n­ally chal­le­n­ging.

Future proofing

Future proo­fing

Offer your cust­o­mers solutions that are built to last. We make sure our products are flex­ible, adaptable and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomo­rrow as well as those of today.



Work with confid­ence and reass­urance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can prec­isely match – or exceed – your cust­o­mers’ expectat­ions, every time.


Villa West­ling, Stoc­k­holm

Avant-garde design, 100% cust­om­ised Hager solutions and a world-leading arch­itect owner combined for a seamless partn­e­rship to create this outstanding contempo­rary residence.
Modern buildings with wooden facades in a snowy landscape with mountains in the background

Radisson Blu Hotel, Ande­rmatt

Spectac­u­larly located high in the Swiss Alps, the Radisson Blu Hotel is a veritable showcase for a host of Hager products and solutions. Once again with funct­i­o­n­a­lity and design coming to the fore. 

Modern urban building exterior with decorative outdoor lighting and a patio area

The Hobo Hotel, Stoc­k­holm

Award-winning inte­rior desi­gners, Studio Aiss­li­nger from Berlin, created a unique envi­ronment for this charming bout­ique hotel in Stoc­k­holm. Design knobs from Hager series add elegance and high quality to provide small details with big impact.

We are here for you.

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solutions, support and partn­e­rship.