Simply see more

Thanks to the local multi-energy device agardio.manager, display and monitor your consumption and control the quality of your networks.

Professional in office environment using dual monitors with data analysis charts on screen

More than a web server
3-in-1 ecos­s­ytem

agardio.manager is a multi-energy manager that conc­e­nt­rates, disp­lays and cont­rols network quality and energy consumption param­eters. It allows to meet the new IEC 60 364 and ISO 50 001 standards.

01 Meas­uring and counting

The device collects information on the Modbus network from meters and elect­rical prot­ect­ions.

02 Cent­ra­lise

agardio.manager conc­e­nt­rates and sends information back to the supe­rvisor. It is the heart of the instal­lation.

03 Visua­lise and supe­rvise

The webse­rver inte­rface makes data avai­lable in an organ­ised way to supe­rvise your entire building.

Keep an eye on energy consumption

Opti­mise the monito­ring and control of energy consumption.

Distribution of consumption, harmo­nics, consumption peaks, evol­ution over time or after impro­vement measures... How far have you got? Thanks to agardio.manager, you can have a view on precise data to analyse, unde­rstand and improve the energy perfo­rmance of your building. 

The heart of the system

Smart, inte­l­li­gent, and always up-to-date with the current acti­vity of up to 31 Modbus devices, agardio.manager is the server in the center of your energy monito­ring system. It provides information and helps to inte­rpret these data. And it helps you make better decis­ions when it comes to the desi­gning and day-to-day operation of your low-voltage instal­lat­ions.

An energy management solution
for a clearer consumption

Comply with the elect­rical standard

The agardio.manager complies with the Euro­pean standard IEC 60 364, which enables the object­ives set by ISO 50 001 to be met. Mainte­n­ance-free, updates are avai­lable when regu­lat­ions change.


Quickly visua­lise data

The inte­rface of the agardio.manager is clear and easy to read. The use of grap­hics makes the reading of energy data intuitive and comp­re­he­n­s­ible to all.

Keep your budget under control

No addit­i­onal cost. No subsc­ri­ption fee. Locally hosted data: retain owne­rship of your building's operating information.

Install, connect, start

With its plug-and-play instal­lation, there is no need for prog­ramming or coding. Your instal­lation is up and running in less than a day.

More effic­i­ency,
More building value

agardio.manager is an energy monito­ring solution that bundles all the bene­fits into one system.

The diffe­rence between gues­s­work and knowl­edge

Screenshot of Hager manager software displaying power quality data and harmonics analysis

Measure and Collect

Simple and easy - Data from up to 31 conn­ected Modbus devices

  • Measures the consumption of your elect­rical instal­lat­ions by reco­rding and querying the acti­vities of conn­ected devices,
  • Ideal for Hager devices and any other Modbus devices, thanks to the plug-in commun­ic­a­iton module,
  • Plug-and-play instal­lation,
  • Inte­g­ration of third-party devices such as gas, water or energy meters,
  • e-mail alerts if limits exce­eded.
Person working on laptop in a modern office with electrical outlets on the wall

Monitor and Analyze

Easy access from anyw­here, directly in a web browser

  • Confi­guration on a laptop or tablet, no need for extra software or Modbus mapping tables,
  • Diffe­rent visua­l­isation methods (comp­lete applic­ation or individual consumer) for all applic­at­ions,
  • All values can be expo­rted in CSV format for further proc­e­s­sing.
Screenshot of Hager energy management software displaying various energy consumption charts


Seeing more, leads to better decis­ions

  • Confi­gure and monitor your system remotely from a laptop or tablet. What is used to be hidden is now visible,
  • Clearly pres­e­nted consumption diag­rams reveal expe­n­sive consumption peaks,
  • You can see at a glance how you can save money by simply chan­ging your usage habits without reducing overall energy consumption.


Need help? Any question?

We're here for you, with you.