Electrical solutions for installers | Hager Turkey


Greater effic­i­ency, fewer worries

Work with greater ease and speed, while growing and deve­l­o­ping your business, through diffe­re­nt­i­ated and high-value solutions that are backed by an extra­o­rd­in­arily comp­re­he­n­sive range of support options.


We’re with you
all the way

We’ll help you tick all the boxes for your cust­o­mers, in everyt­hing from sustain­able energy distribution and management to the security, safety and well-being of the building occup­ants. 

Our easy-to-plan-and-install inte­g­rated solutions are based on best-in-class elect­rical distribution panels, circuit brea­kers, energy monitors and other high-quality products. Fully compliant, of course, with the latest norms and standards. This allows you to offer reli­able, yet affo­rdable, conn­ected applic­at­ions that can be adapted over time to meet chan­ging requirements. 

And, of course, you can always call on our exte­n­sive support. Through training, advice, apps, software and other tools, we can assist you at all stages from project scoping through instal­lation and comm­iss­io­ning to after-sales. In other words: we’re with you every step of the way.



It's easy to install volta encl­os­ures thanks to extra wiring space and larger connection areas in the upper and lower sect­ions. Smooth and effic­ient, volta encl­os­ures fit perfectly in resid­e­ntial projects.

h3+ MCCBs

The new gene­ration of h3+ circuit brea­kers ensures reli­able prot­ection against overl­oads and short circ­uits, combined with accurate inte­g­rated energy monito­ring for all low voltage distribution systems.

Modular devices

Ensure safety in homes and buildings with our varied range of modular prot­ection devices for your elect­rical encl­os­ures.


Quick and easy comiss­io­ning for instal­lers, reli­able and perfo­rming charge for users, witty range is the perfect combin­ation for resid­e­ntial and commercial prem­ises.



We’ll support you thro­ug­hout your learning journey so you can grow your business.

Making it easier for you to do business

We are a leading provider of solutions and services for elect­rical instal­lat­ions in resid­e­ntial, commercial and industrial buildings. Working as true partners with our cust­o­mers, we often co-create solutions together. It should be easy for you to do business with us, which is why we’re always on hand to help you get the best out of your projects.

“It’s my job to design safe and smart
products which are easy and fast to install.”

Launch and grow your
business with Hager now!

Would you like to become self-employed as an electrician, or have you already launched your business and want to expand? We are here to support you and offer you all the tools and services you’ll need!


For you,
with you

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Get in touch with us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solutions, support and partn­e­rship.