Electrical solutions for single houses and villas | Hager


We offer many thous­ands of easy-to-install products, from elect­rical boards and wiring acce­s­s­ories to entire conn­ected solutions, that ensure elect­ricity is deli­vered safely and reli­ably to your cust­o­mers’ homes.
hotel solutions

With you all the way

When you choose Hager, you have the reass­urance that you can offer high-quality elect­rical distribution panels, circuit brea­kers, energy monitors and many other resid­e­ntial solutions to your cust­o­mers. 

All our products comply to the highest rele­vant standards and norms. We offer apps, software and other tools to help you create and realise your projects on-site.

There is also a human as well as a technical dime­n­sion to the way we support you. We are happy to provide assistance, on-line or by phone, and provide training to help you develop your skills and your business. 

Living standards are changed

As Hager, diffe­rent cust­omer expectat­ions are now avai­lable by brin­ging a new pers­pective to the smart building concept. While finding the exact answer; comfort, safety and savings are pres­e­nted together. By providing the nece­s­sary flex­i­bility and dive­rsity for projects that respond to every need, all cont­rols are made clear in easy way.

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Villa West­ling, Stoc­k­holm

From berker Q.3 to KNX and witty chargers, this house is supe­rbly equi­pped to serve as an exce­l­lent reference for sustain­able, stylish and smart homes. 

Everyt­hing you need
for resid­e­ntial homes

Our exte­n­sive range of inno­vative solutions allows you to meet even the most demanding requirements of your cust­o­mers:

  • Products which are desi­gned spec­ific­ally to make things easier for you on-site,
  • High-quality profe­s­s­ional solutions for energy distribution and management, cable management, wiring acce­s­s­ories, conn­ected homes and security. Think sockets, switches, exte­n­sion boxes, occupancy sensors, junction boxes – and much, much more,
  • Comp­re­he­n­sive support, wherever and when­ever you need it.

  1. Energy distribution & management

    As a company who started out spec­i­a­l­ising in energy distribution, we have built up over six decades of expe­ri­ence in this field. 

    We have there­fore put together a full range of solutions – encl­os­ures, energy measurement tools, prot­ection devices, junction boxes; you name it – that ensure the energy distribution at your cust­o­mers’ homes meets the highest standards in terms of reli­a­bility and safety. This allows you to specify comp­lete, tailor-made propo­sals for the homes of today – and tomo­rrow – with full confid­ence. 
    energy distribution
  2. Wiring acce­s­s­ories

    Our wide choice of acce­s­s­ories like switches, timers and sockets means you have everyt­hing you need to meet cust­omer requirements, in jobs ranging from simple to demanding.

    Thanks to the virt­ually endless design poss­i­bi­l­ities, you can comp­l­ement and enhance inte­r­iors from mini­ma­l­istic modern to retro, as well as anyt­hing in between. Instal­lation is conve­n­ient and stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, even when you are adding more advanced, high-value features. You can always count on exce­l­lent technical perfo­rmance and funct­i­o­n­a­lity as well. 
  3. Cable management

    Our cable management systems, like floor trun­king units, multi-outlet modules and skirting systems, give you comp­lete flex­i­bility in how you meet the funct­i­onal and design requirements for resid­e­ntial buildings. 
    Regard­less of how you intend to inte­g­rate cables into the avai­lable space, we offer you plenty of options that help you turn a technical chal­lenge into an aest­h­et­ic­ally pleasing result.
    cable mgt
  4. Conn­ected homes and security

    We make smart home projects stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, both in new construct­ions and reno­vat­ions, so you can deliver safety, comfort and energy effic­i­ency to those who live there. 

    A typical confi­guration, tailor-made for inside and outside a building, could include everyt­hing from lights, shutters and alarms to heating and vent­i­lation, cameras, intrusion detection systems and weather monito­ring sensors. Soph­ist­ic­ated energy management and smart automation are built in as standard, as is inte­rfacing with the Inte­rnet of Things (IoT) and compliance with all rele­vant norms. 


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Quick and easy comiss­io­ning for instal­lers, reli­able and perfo­rming charge for users, witty range is the perfect combin­ation for resid­e­ntial and commercial prem­ises.
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berker B.IQ

With its user-frie­ndly inte­rface, the berker B.IQ range provides high comfort by cont­ro­l­ling all building applic­at­ions at your fing­e­rtips, with one single or mult­iple push-button sensors.
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Create with us individual custom-made solutions for your projects! With an unli­m­ited choice of surfaces, colours and mate­rials, we make your switches and sockets unique.

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Modular devices

Ensure safety in homes and buildings with our varied range of modular prot­ection devices for your elect­rical encl­os­ures.

Get in touch with us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solutions, support and partn­e­rship. 


Teaming up with Hager creates value for your business in mult­iple ways:

comprehensive choice

Comp­re­he­n­sive choice

You can find everyt­hing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solution: an extra­o­rd­in­arily broad range of products, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­lation

You can count on stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, rapid instal­lation of our products, thanks to our thoug­htful approach to design and construction. Even in situat­ions where the requirements are exce­pt­i­o­n­ally chal­le­n­ging.

Future proofing

Future proo­fing

Offer your cust­o­mers solutions that are built to last. We make sure our products are flex­ible, adaptable and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomo­rrow as well as those of today.



Work with confid­ence and reass­urance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can prec­isely match – or exceed – your cust­o­mers’ expectat­ions, every time.



We’ll support you thro­ug­hout your learning journey so you can grow your business.

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