berker B.IQ range | Hager Turkey

berker B.IQ
Strong and safe

Take the oppo­rtunity to control a wide range of home funct­ions such as heating and blinds from a single multi-button sensor. Not only is it extremely well desi­gned, it also offers an arch­itect­ural line. Berker B.IQ provides high comfort by cont­ro­l­ling all building applic­at­ions at your fing­e­rtips with its user-frie­ndly inte­rface.
Modern electrical distribution board with a sleek design and a blue power indicator

Offe­ring comfort and techn­o­logy together, Berker B.IQ adds aest­h­etics to your living space, while at the same time cont­ro­l­ling many funct­ions via a single switch with its KNX system. All cont­rols are now much easier with the supe­rior design award-winning Berker B.IQ... With its new alum­inium body, Berker B.IQ, which disp­lays a strong stance, makes you feel the depths of techn­o­logy and also comp­l­ements a plain design.

Exce­pt­i­onal design

We attach great impo­rtance to quality, design and inno­vation.

More on the Berker design series:


berker Q.7

For commercial and resid­e­ntial projects

Projects such as Zorlu Center, Kuzu Effect and Deniz Istanbul Marina Houses are equi­pped with the berker B.IQ solution.



Perfect combin­ation

Time­less design attracts users to products. Berker B.IQ is a fram­e­less push-button sensor and is comp­atible with the frame series of berker B.7.

Color options

4 mate­rials / 5 colors
Avai­lable mate­rials: White, black and alum­inum plastic and glass. Metal options: alum­inum and stai­n­less steel.

Just imagine

Thanks to the Manufaktur team, we can produce special designs acco­rding to the project requirements. You dream it, we make it!

Make it smart!

Berker B.IQ is adapted to standard junction boxes with its 1x to 5x vert­ical structure and can be cont­ro­lled by the smart building system techn­o­logy KNX.

Recom­me­nded applic­at­ions

  • light­hing scen­ario
  • dimming
  • curtain automation
  • blind automation
  • room thermostat
  • inte­g­rated time switch

Need help? Any question?

When­ever you're selected for a project we're there to support, from the start right to the finish line.