berker Q.7 range | Hager Turkey

berker Q.7
Express your individ­ua­lity

Emphasize the character of your home.

Modern bathroom with stylish black wall-mounted electrical socket and light switches on a tiled wall

Disti­nctive, stylish and vers­atile

The right appe­a­rance for every choice

The switch series Berker Q.7 offers many poss­ible combin­at­ions. This is mainly due to the wide range of diffe­rent frames avai­lable in many mate­rials, such as plastic, slate, conc­rete, alum­inum, stai­n­less steel and glass. The vers­atile series covers most needs, from the simple switch to the practical timer, to the KNX push-button for cont­ro­l­ling lights, blinds or awnings.

Switches floating on the wall

As concise as it its elegant

The 4 mm thick frame sits on a 6 mm thick, tran­s­lucent carrier mate­rial. Thanks to the tran­s­luc­ency, the wall color shines through the support frame. It gives the impre­s­sion that the switch is floating on the wall.

Frames are avai­lable for the mate­rials slate and conc­rete from 1x to 3x, for all other mate­rials up to 5x.

More than 250 poss­ible combin­at­ions

With over 250 variat­ions, the exte­n­sive funct­i­o­n­a­lity of the new Berker Q.7 is equally diverse. The range extends from simple switches and practical – yet safety-esse­ntial – timer switches, to conve­n­ient tactile sensors for lights, blinds and shutters.

Because the Berker Q.7 can be used unive­rsally and is comp­atible with its sister ranges Q.1 and Q.3 , switches from the Q family can be easily rede­s­i­gned. Simply remove Q.1 and Q.3 elements and mount the new Q.7 frames on existing inserts! The funct­i­o­n­a­lity remains, but the appe­a­rance changes comp­l­etely.

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