Villa Westling | Hager Project Sweden

Villa West­ling, Stoc­k­holm

Rising to any chal­lenge

Avant-garde design, 100% cust­om­ised Hager solut­ions and a world-leading arch­itect owner combined for a seamless partn­e­rship to create this outstanding contempo­rary resid­ence. 


"We wanted to build a one of a kind villa in the Nordics. This style and level of inte­rior detail and finish you can see in Los Angeles or sout­hern Europe, but rarely in Sweden, and exotic marbles contribute to the feeling of being abroad. We want the house to take you on a journey when you enter, and by the comments of everyone visiting we have accompl­ished that mission."
Portrait of a smiling person with a beard wearing a blue blazer and white shirt

Benj­amin Calleja West­ling

owner, desi­gner, arch­itect. Villa West­ling, Stoc­k­holm

Location: Viggb­yholm, Stoc­k­holm
Construction time: 9 months
Number of rooms: 18
Total area: 904m2
Prop­erty owners: Benj­amin West­ling and Patricia Ramos
Elect­rical cont­ractor: Elekt­ros­hi­elds
Arch­itect: Benj­amin West­ling
Inte­rior desi­gner: Patricia Ramos

Everyt­hing is taken care of

Sustain­able, smart and soph­ist­ic­ated. 

The Villa West­ling is a exce­pt­i­onal refe­rence project to showcase our for you, with you approach to cust­o­mers and expert techn­ical know-how. Indoors and outdoors, it’s all comfo­rtably taken care of.


Products and solut­ions

berker Q.3 Manufaktur


witty charging stat­ions


Circuit brea­kers






KNX/Dali Gateway


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