Training courses | Hager Middle East


We’ll support you thro­ug­hout your learning journey so you can grow your business.


Sharing knowl­edge with you

Our exte­n­sive learning prog­ramme will help you reach your object­ives. We offer skills deve­l­o­pment and other practical advice on an ongoing basis, so your business can continue to grow. You’ll get support in everyt­hing from spec­ific, job-related comp­etence trai­ning to guid­ance in related soft skills like business manag­ement or sales.

For your conve­n­ience, there are three diffe­rent ways in which you can access our learning program:



Physical sess­ions with our experts in which hands-on ‘learning by doing’ is central.



Online group sess­ions in which rele­vant topics are explored and expl­ained in detail.

How to

How-to videos

Detailed instruct­i­onal films on instal­ling, comm­iss­io­ning, prog­ramming and opti­m­izing our solut­ions.

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an episode!

Miss the latest webinar or just looking to see what we've got? Look no further and browse our exte­n­sive webinar series.


Get to know our techn­ical experts

Our team of experts are your "go-to" people for any techn­ical issues, assistance or trai­ning:

Energy distrib­ution & Building autom­ation - Middle East

Arunn Rathin­am­uthu

With more than 23 years of expe­ri­ence in varied vert­icals of elect­ricals, Arunn has rich in-depth Techno Comme­rcial knowl­edge in Switc­hgear, Wiring Acce­s­s­ories, Building Autom­ation and Cable Manag­ement. 

Energy distrib­ution - Middle East

Asad Shariff

Asad is a seas­oned techn­ical sales and mark­eting engineer with over 14 years of expe­ri­ence and brings exce­pt­i­onal techn­ical expe­rtise and regi­onal market knowl­edge in low voltage switc­hgear solut­ions.

Building autom­ation - Middle East

Ahsan Ali

Ahsan is expe­ri­e­nced in techn­ical support and techn­ical trai­n­ings with over 12 years of practice in the region. Ahsan is also a KNX cert­i­fied tutor.

Building autom­ation - UAE

Riyaz Abdul Jabbar

Riyaz has exte­n­sive and applied techn­ical knowl­edge in the field of building autom­ation with 14+ years of sales & techn­ical expe­ri­ence in design and troub­le­s­h­o­oting on KNX autom­ation and other system inte­g­ration projects. He is also a KNX cert­i­fied tutor.

Building autom­ation - Qatar & Kuwait

Hussain Karkaba

Hussain has a 10 years’ expe­ri­ence in the industries of Building Autom­ation, Lighting, & LV switc­hgear spec­i­a­l­ized in design, impl­eme­ntation, and selling of home autom­ation and lighting control systems.


Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.