Tools to
help you

Work smart with digital tools

Our range of free online digital tools use our in-depth expe­ri­ence to help prog­ress your instal­lat­ions on the go and help you keep moving forward.

Person in a blue shirt using a smartphone with a white background

What elcomnet does for you

Your software for the design of low voltage elect­rical instal­lat­ions.

elcomnet supp­orts you with network calc­u­lat­ions for all your comme­rcial projects.

Safe products selection

elcomnet chooses the best elect­rical prot­ection suited to your instal­lation (sett­ings, casc­ading, disc­ri­m­in­ation). It dete­rm­ines the most econ­om­ical solution and guarantees compliance with elect­rical standards.

Easy calc­u­lat­ions

elcomnet effo­rtle­ssly performs all calc­u­lat­ions for short circuit study, cable sizing, prot­ective device sizing, voltage drop, disc­ri­m­in­ation and backup study

Fast repo­rt­ings

Get a wide variety of reports containing single line diag­rams, disc­ri­m­in­ation curves, circuit spec­ific­at­ions and equi­pment lists. elcomnet edits, prints and exports your calc­u­lation notes.

Want to use elcomnet?

Contact our expert team now!