FAQs | Hager Middle East

Freque­ntly asked quest­ions

How can we help you?

Where can I find your price list?

For a direct price list, please contact our sales team.

I need help to select a product for my project

We have a large list of our product refe­re­nces in our e-cata­logue. If you need further support, please create a query on our support form.


How can I stay info­rmed about Hager solut­ions?

If you would like to stay info­rmed about Hager solut­ions, follow our social media acco­unts: Youtube, Link­edIn, Insta­gram


Do you provide trai­n­ings on the products?

Our experts provide trai­n­ings sess­ions. Furt­he­rmore, we have resources so you can learn on your own, anytime needed. For how-to-videos please click here. For direct product support or trai­ning, please click here.


Where can I find cata­lo­gues and broc­h­ures?

You can down­load all our cata­lo­gues and broc­h­ures directly from our down­load page. If you need a physical copy, please contact us on our support form.


How can I visit your show­room?

We'll be happy to welcome you in our show­room. To book a visit, please comp­lete our online form.


Where can I find project insp­i­rat­ions with Hager products? 

Hager solut­ions are trusted world­wide. For project refe­re­nces comp­l­eted with Hager products, visit our Project refe­re­nces page!


I would like to sell Hager solut­ions, who should I contact?

If you would like to sell our solut­ions, please contact us through our support form. Our sales team will get back to you soon with more info­rmation.