On-site learning

On-demand physical sess­ions
to learn about inno­vative solut­ions

Our experts offer tailor-made learning sess­ions so you can expe­ri­ment live product inno­vat­ions and applic­at­ions for your projects requirements.

Avai­lable sess­ions

Lunch & Learn

Become fami­liar with Hager energy distrib­ution solut­ions that meet local standards with the spec­ific­at­ions, bene­fits and applic­at­ions of main distrib­ution boards to the final distrib­ution.

KNX Basic Cert­ific­ation

Explore and deep dive into the basics of KNX for design, instal­lation and comm­iss­io­ning. The right place to become a cert­i­fied KNX partner.

Energy saving solut­ions for standa­lone applic­at­ions

Disc­over simple cost-effective solut­ions for standa­lone requirements.

Smart Home & Individual design solut­ions with Hager Manufaktur

Explore new horizons of cust­om­isation and trends in wiring acce­s­s­ories for smart homes with Manufaktur.

Welcome to our official KNX trai­ning centre!

Based in Dubai, Hager Creative Arena gives you the oppo­rtunity to expe­ri­ence live our solut­ions, from energy monito­ring, charging stat­ions to our wide choice of building autom­ation systems and solut­ions

We're for you, with you

Find out the many ways how we can support you.