The best products
for your projects

Find them in our online product cata­logue
Energy distribution

Energy distrib­ution

From a distrib­ution board to the main distrib­ution system, within our e-cata­logue you'll find distrib­utors up to 630 A, incl­uding all the comp­o­n­ents needed for desi­gning or scaling up a safe instal­lation.

Switching and securing

Energy manag­ement

Enable your cust­o­mers to effect­i­vely and easily manage their energy effic­i­ency, without comp­rom­ising on service quality or safety.

Modular component

Cable manag­ement

Provide energy exactly where it's needed, thro­ug­hout the entire building, now and long into the future.

Room solutions

Room solut­ions

Smart light manag­ement via inte­l­li­gent sensors for more comfort and energy savings.

Switching devices

Wiring acce­s­s­ories

Easy to install, exce­pt­i­onal quality and a wide choice of classic and contempo­rary switch designs.


Conn­ected homes

We're making apartments and buildings smarter, safer, more econ­om­ical and even more comfo­rtable. Techn­o­logy meets with stri­king design.

Comp­lete elect­rical infrastructure solut­ions for all types of buildings and homes.

You’ve come to
the right place!

Wherever you are in the construction process, we’d like to work with you at every stage of your project, and with all the parties invo­lved.



Get a leading manufacturer's support and acquire all you need for succ­e­s­sful projects.



Create cust­om­ised designs, enjoy high-perfo­rmance solut­ions backed with unri­valled support.



Invest in scal­able and sustain­able solut­ions with a trust­wo­rthy partner. 

System integrator

System inte­g­rator

Become an official Hager System Inte­g­rator and benefit from all-incl­usive support. 

Panel builder

Find out all about the solut­ions we offer to panel builders.
end users

Cont­ractor and owner

Beauty and inte­l­li­gence meet for all your new and reno­vation projects.

Let's build


multi flat


single house


multi flat



Latest news from Hager Middle East

Get all the latest on product launches, events, inno­vat­ions and much more. 

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The Hager Group 2021–22 digital annual report is now avai­lable.

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EXPO 2020: check the pavil­ions powered by Hager solut­ions!

Person working from home on laptop with headphones and plants on desk

Replay now our Webinar's serie 2022!




Closest retailers & distrib­utors

How-to videos









For you, with you.

Find out more about how Hager Middle East can make your business grow with solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.