
Last updated: May 2018


At Hager, we respect your privacy and we want to be tran­s­parent about the types of personal info­rmation we collect about you and how we use it. In this Website Privacy Notice (here­after the "Notice"), we explain who we are, how we collect, share and use personal info­rmation we obtain from you when you visit a web plat­form (here­after the "Website"), and how you can exercise your privacy rights.

Please note that this Notice desc­ribes the collection of personal info­rmation that takes place gene­rally on all Hager webs­ites and the spec­ific proc­e­s­sing acti­vities that take place on each Hager webs­ites may be diffe­rent. There­fore, some of the proc­e­s­sing acti­vities desc­ribed in this Notice might not apply to the part­ic­ular Hager website that you are visiting.

If you have any quest­ions or conc­erns about our use of your personal info­rmation, then please contact us using the contact details provided at the bottom of this Notice.

The Website that you are visiting is managed by the local Hager affil­iate (here­after "Hager"), who is the data cont­ro­ller for all personal info­rmation that is collected via a Website.

1. Quick links

We recom­mend that you read this Notice in full to ensure you are fully info­rmed. However, if you only want to access a part­ic­ular section of this Notice, then you can click on the rele­vant link below to jump to that section.

2. What personal info­rmation we collect and why
3. For what purposes we use your personal info­rmation
4. Who we share your personal info­rmation with
5. On what legal basis we process your personal info­rmation
6. Tran­s­fers of personal info­rmation outside the EU/EEA
7. How long we store your personal info­rmation
8. How we protect your personal info­rmation
9. Minors
10. What data prot­ection rights you have and how you can exercise them
11. Exte­rnal links
12. Updates to this Notice
13. How to contact us

2. What personal info­rmation we collect and why

We collect various types of personal info­rmation on our Website. The personal info­rmation that we may collect about you broadly falls into the follo­wing cate­go­ries:

Info­rmation that you provide voluntarily

Certain parts of our Website may ask you to provide personal info­rmation voluntarily, incl­uding:

  • your contact details: such as first and last name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail address, gender;

  • details about the products/services you are using or inte­rested in;

  • credit card details;

  • business contact details, incl­uding your business affil­i­ation;

  • CVs and job applic­at­ions for online recruit­ment purposes.

The personal info­rmation that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal info­rmation.

Info­rmation that we collect autom­at­ic­ally

When you visit our Website, we may collect certain info­rmation autom­at­ic­ally from your device. In some countries, incl­uding countries in the Euro­pean Econ­omic Area, this info­rmation may be consid­ered personal info­rmation under applic­able data prot­ection laws.

Spec­ific­ally, the info­rmation we collect autom­at­ic­ally may include info­rmation like your IP address, device type, unique device ident­ific­ation numbers, browser-type, prefe­re­nces, broad geog­ra­phic location (e.g. country or city-level location) and other techn­ical info­rmation. We may also collect info­rmation about how your device has inte­racted with our Website, incl­uding the pages acce­ssed and links clicked.

Collecting this info­rmation enables us to better unde­rstand the visitors who come to our Website, where they come from, and what content on our Website is of inte­rest to them. We use this info­rmation for our inte­rnal anal­ytics purposes and to improve the quality and rele­vance of our Website to our visitors.

We use cookies and similar trac­king techn­o­logy (collect­i­vely, “Cookies”) to collect and use personal info­rmation about you. For further info­rmation about the types of Cookies we use, why, and how you can control Cookies, please see our Cookie Notice.

Info­rmation that we obtain indirectly from third parties

From time to time, we may receive personal info­rmation about you that we obtain from other sources (for example: instal­lers when they create an account on your behalf on one of our Webs­ites).

The types of info­rmation we collect from third parties may include: email address, details about your existing instal­lation, etc. We use this info­rmation to maintain and improve the accuracy of the records we hold about you, to provide techn­ical assistance for the setting-up or mainte­n­ance of our solut­ions and to manage our cust­omer account relat­io­n­ship with you.

3. For what purposes we use your personal info­rmation

We use the personal info­rmation we collect from you for the follo­wing purposes:

  • to create your account on our Website;

  • to commun­icate effic­i­e­ntly with you and to answer any quest­ions or queries you may have

  • to manage your online purc­hases on our Website;

  • to admin­ister and monitor the stability and perfo­rmance of our Website in order to improve it;

  • to ensure the content on our Website is rele­vant to you and is pres­e­nted in the most effective manner for you;

  • to send you info­rmation or prom­ot­ions on our products and proposed services;

  • to subsc­ribe you to our news­l­etter;

  • to send you perso­n­a­l­ized adve­rt­isements that we think may inte­rest you based on your prefe­re­nces and your use of our Website;

  • to notify you when updates of our Website are avai­lable and of changes to any products or services we offer or provide through it;

  • to unde­rstand your prefe­re­nces and improve your expe­ri­ence and cust­omer satis­faction when you visit our Website and our services;

  • to carry out stat­ist­ical anal­yses on the use of this Website and visit frequency; and

  • for online recruit­ment purposes (please read the Jobs Applic­ation Privacy Notice that is avai­lable on our Website.

We will use the personal info­rmation we collect from you only for the purposes desc­ribed in this Notice or for purposes that we explain to you at the time we collect your personal info­rmation.

4. Who we share your personal info­rmation with

We may disc­lose your personal info­rmation to the follo­wing cate­go­ries of recip­i­ents:

  • to Hager affil­i­ates, third party service providers and partners who provide data proc­e­s­sing services to us (for example, to support the deli­very of, provide funct­i­o­n­a­lity on, or help to enhance the security of our Website), or who othe­rwise process personal info­rmation for purposes that are desc­ribed in this Notice or noti­fied to you when we collect your personal info­rmation;

  • to any comp­etent law enfo­rc­e­ment body, regu­latory, gove­rnment agency, court or other third party where we believe such disc­l­osure is nece­s­sary (i) as a matter of comp­lying with applic­able laws or regu­lat­ions, (ii) to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital inte­rests or those of any other person;

  • to a pote­ntial buyer (and its agents and advisers) in conn­ection with any proposed purc­hase, merger or acquis­ition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal info­rmation only for the purposes disc­l­osed in this Notice;

  • to any other person with your consent to the disc­l­osure.


5. On what legal basis we process your personal info­rmation

We will process the personal info­rmation collected on our Website based on the nece­s­sity to manage our relat­io­n­ship with you, based on our legit­i­mate inte­rests which will depend on the personal info­rmation conc­e­rned and the spec­ific context in which we collect it, or based on your consent.

If we ask you to provide personal info­rmation to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a cont­ract with you, we will make this clear at the rele­vant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal info­rmation is mandatory or not (as well as of the poss­ible cons­e­que­nces if you do not provide your personal info­rmation).

Simi­larly, if we collect and use your personal info­rmation in reliance on our legit­i­mate inte­rests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the rele­vant time what those legit­i­mate inte­rests are.


6. Tran­s­fers of personal info­rmation outside the EU/EEA

We operate at a global level and, as a result, your personal info­rmation may be tran­s­fe­rred to, and proc­e­ssed in, countries other than the country in which you are resident. In some cases, these countries may be located outside the Euro­pean Union / Euro­pean Econ­omic Area (EU/EEA) and there­fore may have data prot­ection laws that are diffe­rent to the laws of your country of resid­ence.

Spec­ific­ally, our Website servers are located in the EU/EEA, but we may share or give access to your personal info­rmation to Hager affil­i­ates, third party service providers and partners who may be operating outside the EU/EEA (for example, we may use web hosting providers or cloud comp­uting service providers who store or access your personal info­rmation outside the EU/EEA).

Where that is the case, we make sure that your personal info­rmation is tran­s­fe­rred to third countries outside the EU/EEA that are deemed "adeq­uate" by the Euro­pean Comm­ission (a list of adeq­uate countries is avai­lable here), or alte­rn­at­i­vely, where your personal info­rmation is not sent to a country that provides adeq­uate prot­ection, we will put in place appro­priate safe­guards to guarantee that your personal info­rmation remains prot­ected while it is being proc­e­ssed outside the EU/EEA in acco­rdance with applic­able privacy laws. These appro­priate safe­guards may include signing the Euro­pean Comm­ission’s Standard Cont­ractual Clauses with the Hager affil­iate, third party service provider or partner outside the EU/EEA with whom we share your personal info­rmation. For further info­rmation about tran­s­fers of personal info­rmation outside the EU/EEA, please refer to the "How to contact us" section below.

7. How long we store your personal info­rmation

We will retain your personal info­rmation for as long as nece­s­sary to enable us to fulfil the purposes desc­ribed in this Notice and where we have an ongoing legit­i­mate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested).

Once the purpose for proc­e­s­sing your personal info­rmation no longer exists, or the period of rete­ntion has expired, or if you ask us to delete your personal info­rmation, we may continue to store your personal info­rmation for a limited period of time if nece­s­sary to comply with applic­able legal, tax or acco­unting requirements.

When we no longer have a purpose to process your personal info­rmation, we will make sure your personal info­rmation is either deleted or anon­ym­ised.

8. How we protect your personal info­rmation

We are comm­itted to ensuring the security of your personal info­rmation. We utilize robust prec­a­ut­ions to protect the confide­nt­i­a­lity and security of the personal info­rmation within our Website, by emplo­ying techn­o­log­ical, physical and admin­ist­rative security safe­guards, such as fire­w­alls and care­fully deve­l­oped security proc­e­dures, for example, when you enter confide­ntial info­rmation (such as login crede­nt­ials or info­rmation subm­itted from within the Website). We encrypt the tran­sm­ission of that info­rmation using secure socket layer techn­o­logy (SSL). These techn­o­logies, proc­e­dures and other measures are used in an effort to ensure that your personal info­rmation remains safe, secure, and only avai­lable to you and to those you auth­o­rized to access your personal info­rmation. However, no inte­rnet, e-mail or other elect­ronic tran­sm­ission is ever fully secure or error free, so you should take care in deciding what info­rmation you send to us in this way.


9. Minors

The services we provide on this Website are not inte­nded for individ­uals below the age of 18. If you are under 18, please do not provide your personal info­rmation on this Website.


10. What data prot­ection rights you have and how you can exercise them

You have the follo­wing data prot­ection rights:

  • You may request access to and obtain a copy of your personal info­rmation.

  • You may also request that any personal info­rmation that is inacc­urate or incom­p­lete be rect­i­fied or comp­l­eted.

  • You may request that your personal info­rmation be erased under certain legal cond­it­ions (for example, where the personal info­rmation is no longer needed to achieve the purposes for which the info­rmation was initi­ally collected).

  • In addition, you may object to the proc­e­s­sing of your personal info­rmation, ask us to rest­rict proc­e­s­sing of your personal info­rmation or request porta­bility of your personal info­rmation under certain legal cond­it­ions.

  • You have the right to opt-out of elect­ronic mark­eting commun­ic­at­ions we send you at any time and free of charge. You can exercise this right by clic­king on the “unsub­sc­ribe” or “opt-out” link in the mark­eting e-mails we send you. To opt-out of other forms of mark­eting (such as postal mark­eting or telemark­eting), then please contact us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading below.

  • Simi­larly, if we have collected and process your personal info­rmation with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time.

  • Withd­ra­wing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any proc­e­s­sing we conducted prior to your withd­rawal, nor will it affect proc­e­s­sing of your personal info­rmation conducted in reliance on lawful proc­e­s­sing grounds other than consent.

  • You have the right to comp­lain to a data prot­ection autho­rity about our collection and use of your personal info­rmation. For more info­rmation, please contact your local data prot­ection autho­rity. Contact details for data prot­ection autho­rities in the Euro­pean Econ­omic Area, Switze­r­land and certain non-Euro­pean countries (incl­uding the US and Canada) are avai­lable here.

You may exercise any of the rights above at any time by contacting us as desc­ribed under the “How to contact us” section below. We will respond to your request in acco­rdance with applic­able data prot­ection laws.

11. Exte­rnal links

If any part of our Website provides links to third party webs­ites, those webs­ites do not operate under this Notice. We are not resp­o­n­s­ible for the online collection on third parties' webs­ites and we recom­mend you examine the privacy notices posted on those webs­ites to unde­rstand their proc­e­dures for collecting, using and disc­l­osing personal info­rmation.

12. Updates to this Notice

We may update this Privacy Notice in resp­onse to chan­ging legal, techn­ical or business deve­l­o­pments and where that is the case, we will provide an updated version of this Privacy Notice on our Website.

You can see when this Privacy Notice was last updated by chec­king the “last update” date disp­layed at the top of this Privacy Notice.

13. How to contact us

If you have any quest­ions, conc­erns or comp­l­aints about this Notice, or the way we process your personal info­rmation, or if you want to exercise your rights as desc­ribed above, please use this request form.

If you are a cust­omer of Hager, please also note our Global Cust­omer Privacy Policy.