Webinars | Hager Middle East


Person working from home on laptop with headphones and plants on desk


Through our webinars we disc­ussed, very rele­vant and prom­inent topics in the industry. Topics include, EVCS, smart homes, standards and cert­ific­ation, inno­vation talks, and elect­rical prot­ection. 


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Through our webinars we addre­ssed and disc­ussed five modules of immense learning that are prom­inent in today’s industry. Incl­uding topics, in home autom­ation, standards and cert­ific­at­ions, energy effic­i­ency, inno­vation, and energy distrib­ution.


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Through our webinars we addre­ssed diffe­rent modules that are prom­inent in today’s industry. Incl­uding topics, in home autom­ation, standards and cert­ific­at­ions, smart homes, inno­vation talks, and elect­rical prot­ection. 


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