
We at Hager Middle East are proud to anno­unce that mult­iple EXPO-Pavil­ions have been powered through Hager solut­ions.
Logo of Expo 2020 Dubai featuring a circular geometric design

A succ­e­s­sful collabo­ration

The German, Thai­land, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Polish, Uzbe­k­istan, and Operat­ions Pavil­ions have been powered through Hager solut­ions. These projects were led with our auth­o­rized Partners, Skyl­ight Switc­hgear Ind. L.L.C., Valight Electric FZC, and Eltech Switc­hgear FZC, support through our colle­agues, Riyaz Abdul Jabbar, Sales Manager (Building Autom­ation) und Vaibhav Toraskar, Key Account Manager.

Disc­over now

Germany Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai during day and night with Hager logo visible

Germany pavilion

Modern pavilion with 'Luxembourg' signage during daytime and illuminated walkway at night with Hager logo

Luxembourg pavilion

Two side-by-side images of modern buildings with unique facade designs and the Hager logo in the bottom right corner.

Poland pavilion

Side-by-side comparison of a miniature model and the actual building of the Thailand Pavilion with intricate facade design at an exposition

Thai­land pavilion

Comparison of construction progress on a building, from scaffolding stages to completed facade with 'Uzbekistan' signage

Uzbe­k­istan pavilion