Electris SARL


About Electris

Since its arrival in Algeria nearly 20 years ago, the Hager brand has offered a wide range of quality products and services, from the distrib­ution of elect­rical energy to the techn­ical manag­ement of buildings, incl­uding cable manag­ement systems and security devices. Its avai­la­bility and cove­rage of the territory have made it one of the leaders in Algeria in solut­ions and services for elect­rical instal­lat­ions in buildings.

In order to develop and impl­ement its solut­ions, Hager Group relies on the know-how of expe­ri­e­nced spec­i­a­l­ists. Distrib­utor of the Hager brand since 2001, the company Electris repre­s­ents the privi­l­eged point-of-contact in Algeria. Reco­g­n­ized for its effic­ient techn­ical support and atte­ntive after-sales service, Electris is a reli­able partner for your resid­e­ntial and comme­rcial projects.


07, rue Yahia Abde­l­kader

Lotissement 572/04

Amara I - Cheraga

16014 Alger


Tel : +213 (0)23 11 51 01

Fax : +213 (0)23 11 51 02


Website: www.electris.dz

Email: info@electris.dz

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