IEC 61439

We fully apprec­iate how impo­rtant it is for you to comply with all rele­vant norms. That’s why we help you at every step of the way.


The implic­ation of the standard

The IEC 61439 standard establ­ishes the rules and regu­lat­ions gove­rning low-voltage switc­hgear and control gear assem­blies (known collect­i­vely as Assem­blies). It was introduced in 2011 to make requirements and checks more rigo­rous and cons­istent. In part­ic­ular, the standard dist­in­g­uishes between the resp­o­n­s­i­bi­l­ities of the original manufacturer and those of the assembly manufacturer:


The IEC 61439 standard spec­ifies the resp­o­n­s­i­bi­l­ities of each party, by diffe­re­nt­i­ating those of the original manufacturer from those of the assembly manufacturer.

Main object­ives

01 Guarantee of operation of the electric instal­lation downstream of the assembly

02 Electric current conducting capacity

03 Resistance to short circ­uits

04 Elect­rom­a­g­n­etic comp­ati­bility

05 Prot­ection of persons against electric shocks

06 Prot­ection of persons and the assembly against fire

07 Resistance to mech­an­ical and clim­atic envi­ronment

08 Prot­ection of the assembly against power surges

09 Mainte­n­ance and modific­ation capa­bility

10 Ability to install on site

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The esse­ntial

Compliance for a peace of mind

Clarific­ation of resp­o­n­s­i­bi­l­ities

and engag­ements of each stake­ho­lder in the project.

Clarific­ation of requirements

of the spec­ific­ation.

Syst­ematic veri­fic­ation

of each assembly.

Ident­ific­ation of the assembly

through marked labels.

Trac­e­a­bility of documents

and test cert­ific­ates.


Docume­ntation and labe­l­ling

You must be able to identify each assembly with one or more labels, marked in a lasting manner and placed at a location allo­wing easy visi­bility and legi­bility when the assembly is installed and in use.

  • Ident­ific­ation labels
  • Hand­ling, instal­lation, operation, and mainte­n­ance instruct­ions
  • List of individual checks
  • Decl­a­ration of compliance
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How to manage

As the assembly manufacturer, you are resp­o­n­s­ible for the syst­ematic veri­fic­ation of each assembly based on the below 9 routine checks:

01 Degree of prot­ection acquired through the covers

02 Clea­rance and cree­page distances

03 Prot­ection against electric shocks and inte­g­rity of prot­ection circ­uits

04 Inte­g­ration of inco­rpo­rated comp­o­n­ents

05 Inte­rnal electric circ­uits and conn­ect­ions

06 Term­inals for exte­rnal conductors

07 Mech­an­ical operation

08 Elect­rical prop­e­rties

09 Wiring, elect­rical operation, and function of power-frequency withstand voltage

nen-dagen hager training


Need a trai­ning?

We are spec­i­a­l­ists of low-voltage elect­rical instal­lat­ions. Let our experts teach you
about IEC 61439 standards and support you in the deve­l­o­pment of business