Muse range of switches and sockets | Hager Middle East

Design for comfort and safety

Assorted wall plates and a double light switch on a two-tone background

Conve­n­ient funct­ions 

Socket with USB-charger

The socket equi­pped with two USB chargers - 2.4A, which inte­l­li­ge­ntly adapt to mobile devices with diffe­rent power consumpt­ions, ensure the charging safety and effic­i­ency.

Multi-gang frame

Conjoined switch combin­ation, conve­n­ient and beaut­iful.

Color options

Enjoy vibrant color options: white, aurora silver, knight black, shine the style and good taste.

Extra-large wiring capac­ities

Large conn­ection capacity making wiring work easier and faster.

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Extra-thin back mecanism

With fine craft, desi­gned prec­isely, only for the purpose of providing abundant wiring space and conve­n­ient instal­lation means.

Term­inal screws are preve­nted from drop­ping

We do everyt­hing no matter howsmall it is for pursuit of quality. The screw term­inals are desi­gned to provide instal­lers with more practical use, preve­nting screws from drop­ping off during instal­lation. We regard it as our ulti­mate mission to increase effic­i­ency.

High 16AX rating

The rated current of switch is 16AX, which meets the requirements of using elect­ricity safely in all aspects.

Child prot­ection

Having safety aware­ness all the time comes from the care for family members. The socket panel is desi­gned with child lock, preve­nting uninte­nded access by young children.


More design series

A central white push button switch surrounded by red and magenta emergency stop buttons on white background


Design for a better life.


Live your dream.