Design for a better life

A central white push button switch surrounded by red and magenta emergency stop buttons on white background

Conve­n­ient funct­ions

Mult­ic­olor options

Many choices to fit your ideas: white, aurora silver, noble bronze, knight black, and elegant gold.

Cons­istent in size

In acco­rdance with the highest standard, the switch and socket are cons­istent in size, offe­ring flex­ible inte­rc­hange-ability.

13A 3 pin socket with USB charger

The socket is equi­pped with two USB chargers - 2.4A, which inte­l­li­ge­ntly adapt to mobile devices with diffe­rent power consumpt­ions, ensuring safety and fast charging.

Switch equi­pped with fluo­re­scent indic­ator

The switch is dotted with rays of light like twin­kling stars, waiting quietly for its guests to enter. Resp­o­nding to your fing­e­rtip, it makes the home bright.

Exquisite design

With fine craft, desi­gned prec­isely, only for the purpose of providing abundant wiring space and conve­n­ient instal­lation means.

Delicate cham­fe­ring

Good design lies in every detail. Creative and delicate idea brings exce­l­lence to our living and working spaces.

The unique brand

Individ­ua­lity need not to be disp­layed but it is an expre­s­sion of your character. The hager brand is exquis­itely and uniquely located on the side, offe­ring the product bound­less space for expre­s­sion and letting the essence of beauty blend with the quality of life.

IP55 wate­rp­roof cover

Ensuring safety against water and dust ingress when operating in wet and dusty areas.

Quick instal­lation

The mounting bracket has supe­rior stre­ngth and rigidity. It is suit­able for all kinds of instal­lation cond­it­ions.

U type screwed term­inals

Large conn­ection capacity making wiring and faster for instal­lation.

USB charger

Large conn­ection capacity making wiring and faster for instal­lation.4.2A, 5V charger with 1 Type C and 2 Type A port suits most portable elect­ronic devices. No need for extra charger, with only USB cables. Up to 3 devices can be charged simultan­e­o­usly. Easy and conve­n­ient to use.

16AX reli­able and high perfo­rmance

Mech­an­ical switch Rated current: 16AX Rated Power: 4000W The load capacity of switch is stro­nger, for better perfo­rmance in increasing demanding instal­lation.

Ident­ific­ation light

Delayed power off is built-in,whi ch save power in a smart way. The insert tag switch has LED indic­ator, which makes it easy for ou to find the slot in the dark. After power on, the indic­ator will turn off autom­at­ic­ally.


More design series

Assorted wall plates and a double light switch on a two-tone background


Design for comfort and safety.


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