
Physical sess­ions to learn about inno­vative solutions
Regi­onal training experts will travel to you and provide you with rele­vant knowl­edge.
Two Hager employees discussing work on a laptop in a modern office setting

Tailored-made trai­n­ings

For your spec­ific deve­l­o­pment, our experts offer tailored-made trai­n­ings on all our applic­ation fields. We're anytime ready to give you guid­ance and support on the latest trends and product inno­vat­ions in line with industry requirements.

Topics of learning

Energy distribution

Solutions that combine high-level energy perfo­rmance, ease of instal­lation and stra­ig­ht­fo­rward system expan­sion for the future.

Energy management

Enable your cust­o­mers to effect­i­vely and easily manage their energy effic­i­ency, without comp­rom­ising on service or safety.

Building automation

Everyt­hing you need to make homes and buildings smarter so they can offer greater conve­n­ience, energy effic­i­ency and safety to those who live there.

Cable management

Provide energy exactly where it's needed, thro­ug­hout the entire building, now and long into the future.

Expe­ri­ment with our solutions live

Explore our on-site trai­n­ings in order to acquire knowl­edge on various topics, and join the one that fits you best.
Person at a workspace using a smartphone with a computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse on the desk

Learn how it works

Check-out our how-to videos for a prog­ramming or instal­lation demo­nst­ration by our experts.

We are here for you.

Find out the many ways how we can support you.