On-site seminars and trainings | Hager Turkey

On-site learning

Industry experts. Tailored seminars. Anytime.
Physical sess­ions with our experts in which hands-on ‘learning by doing’ is central. Expe­ri­ment with our solutions 'live'.
Two professionals analyzing data on a computer screen in an office environment

Avai­lable courses

Basics and usage of KNX system

This course is a KNX introductory learning where we discuss the use and logic behind the KNX system.

Duration: 2 hours
Price: free
Location: Hager Turkey training center

Trends about energy monito­ring

The agardio.manager software and related solutions are introduced.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: free

Location: Hager Turkey training center

Energy prot­ection devices

Disc­over the family of Hager prot­ection devices, from main switch boards to final distribution boards solutions.

Duration: 3 hours

Price: free

Location: Hager Turkey training center

Introduction to design trends and berker ranges

Time­less design and the arch­itect's favo­urite, find out more about the beaut­iful berker ranges.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: free

Location: Hager Turkey training center

Hager Turkey training center

Our training room is fully autom­ated and equi­pped with the latest techn­o­logies so you can expe­ri­ment with our solutions 'live'. Our experts deliver hands-on tips and detailed information on instal­ling, comm­iss­io­ning, prog­ramming and opti­m­izing our solutions.

Expert trai­ners

Our experts deliver hands-on tips and detailed information on instal­ling, comm­iss­io­ning, prog­ramming and opti­m­izing our solutions. 

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