A switch
for the better

Weve part­nered with Plastic Bank to make a switch for the better. Plastic Bank’s collec­tion members collect and exchange ocean-bound plastic waste as currency for secure income and social bene­fits. The collected mate­rial is processed into ethi­cally sourced recycled mate­rial for reuse in products and packa­ging. Our cubyko leaf range proudly incor­po­rates this recycled ocean-bound plastic.


The new cubyko leaf range is a testa­ment to our unwa­ve­ring commit­ment to a more susta­inable future, seam­lessly merging eco-conscious manu­fac­tu­ring with the dura­bi­lity and depen­da­bi­lity you've always relied on.


Our journey towards susta­ina­bi­lity conti­nues as we enrich our eco-design port­folio, finding inno­va­tive ways to inte­grate more susta­inable mate­rials into our products and reduce our envi­ron­mental foot­print.

cubyko leaf

Recycled ocean-bound plastic

Each cubyko leaf unit incor­po­rates 27-32% recycled ocean-bound plastic on the overall plastic parts of the product, turning the tide on waste and setting a new stan­dard in our manu­fac­tu­ring.

IP55, water­proof

True to its IP55 rating, cubyko leaf remains stead­fast against the elements, ensu­ring safety and func­tio­na­lity in humid inte­riors and the great outdoors.

Easy to install

Desi­gned for effi­ciency, our commit­ment to user-friendly and intu­itive instal­la­tion saves time on construc­tion sites.

Aesthetic design

The cubyko leaf doesnt just work beau­ti­fully – it looks beau­tiful. Enjoy a sleek aesthetic that comple­ments and enhances any space.


Built to endure the wear and tear of daily use, cubyko leaf reduces the need for repla­ce­ment parts and furthers our susta­inable mission.


Offe­ring versa­ti­lity to fit your unique needs. Whether a single switch or a complex set, cubyko leaf combines seam­lessly to enable perso­na­lised solu­tions.

cubyko series

WNC001EC: 2-way switch compo­sable

WNC040EC: 2-gang 2-way switch compo­sable

WNC100EC: Socket 2P+E screw­less wall mounted

WNC002EC: 2-way switch illu­mi­nated compo­sable

WNC020EC: Push-button 1F compo­sable

Making the switch for a more susta­inable future

Our colla­bo­ra­tion with Plastic Bank helps us make a tangible diffe­rence as we make the switch for the better. By inter­cep­ting plastic before it reaches the oceans, Plastic Bank reduces plastic waste, protects marine life and supports commu­ni­ties. This plastic is trans­formed for manu­fac­tu­ring cubyko leaf thanks to our supplier, Avient. Our cubyko leaf range proudly incor­po­rates this ethi­cally sourced mate­rial, high­li­gh­ting our dedi­ca­tion to susta­ina­bi­lity and social respon­si­bi­lity.


Sailing and Science

Our part­ner­ship with sailor Fabrice Amedeo embo­dies our commit­ment to inno­va­tion in harmony with nature. We align our efforts with his vision, parti­cu­larly in oceano­gra­phic rese­arch and figh­ting plastic pollu­tion.
Our invo­lve­ment in the Ocean Calling Fund and colla­bo­ra­tion on our Susta­ina­bi­lity Report are testa­ments to this shared mission. With Fabrice Amedeo, we embrace rene­wable energy and eco-friendly prac­tices.


Susta­ina­bi­lity stra­tegy at our core

At Hager Group, we believe in creating a better, more susta­inable future for all. Our susta­ina­bi­lity stra­tegy is paving the way to achieve this. We call it E3: Ethics, Employees and Envi­ron­ment.

We ensure consumer safety, uphold busi­ness and data inte­grity, and promote fair prac­tices. Our focus on employee well-being includes foste­ring gender equality and inter­ge­ne­ra­tional colla­bo­ra­tion. Envi­ron­men­tally, we prio­ri­tise eco-design and are trans­pa­rent with our custo­mers and part­ners about our susta­ina­bi­lity efforts and low-carbon initia­tives. Our E3 is a commit­ment to our custo­mers and the planet for a more susta­inable future.