berker Q.7 illum­in­ated
Switch and light in one

Modern black light switch on a blue wall with luminous backlight

Light and switch combined

Rede­fine the concept of "light switch" for your cust­o­mers: The new Berker Q.7 series with illum­in­ated frame does not just switch on the light. It already shines itself - and thus sets exciting accents that serve both orie­ntation and inte­rior design. The inte­g­rated LED module sheds a part­ic­u­larly warm light on the premium frame mate­rials of the award-winning Q.7 series - from brushed stai­n­less steel to tran­s­lucent glass to textured conc­rete.

The highl­ights at a glance

The new Berker Q.7 series is avai­lable in two lighting vari­ants:

Corona 100%

Corona 70%

Down­light 100%

Down­light 75%

Vari­ants' characte­ristics:


  • As a Corona with all-round lighting.
  • As a down­light with a trap­ez­oidal light cone under the lower edge of the frame.
  • The lumi­nous inte­n­sity can be varied between 100% and 50% - using a slide switch under the Carrier frame that can easily be adjusted by the user.
  • The down­light is equi­pped with a brig­ht­ness sensor that autom­at­ic­ally switches it on when twil­ight sets in - saving energy!
  • The light color is a pleasant warm white (3000 Kelvin at 100%), which is equi­va­lent to the popular incande­scent light.
  • LED modules are only avai­lable for Q.7 single-frame.

Switc­hing funct­ions Corona

  • "On" when the light switch is operated
  • "Off" when the light is switched on
  • "On" by coup­ling to exte­rnal switc­hing element, z. Eg motion detector or time switch
  • Conti­n­uous light via exte­rnal 230 V switch or relay contact

Switc­hing funct­ions Down­light

  • "On" at dusk by brig­ht­ness sensor or timer
  • Conti­n­uous light via exte­rnal contact

Layout and function

Berker Q.7, illum­in­ated is simple and easy to install. Existing function inserts of the Q.1, Q.3 and Q.7 series can also be conn­ected to the new light frames without having to replace the entire instal­lation. This way, the ambience can be upgraded visually and funct­i­o­n­ally quickly and inex­pe­n­si­vely.

  1. New: Q.7 1-gang frame for rece­i­ving the LED module
  2. LED module for corona and down­light: Light color approx. 3,000 k warm white - corre­s­p­onds to incande­scent light
  3. The conn­ection between LED module and switch insert or socket takes place through a Slot.
  4. Sliding switch for brig­ht­ness adjustment: 50% or 100% (Adjustable by the user after remo­ving the Frame)

Stri­king, elegant, vers­atile

The switch program Berker Q.7 has already won several awards. Because of its disti­nctive design with large frame (95 x 95 mm) and soft corners. But above all because of its excl­usive surface mate­rials. They also stand for Berker Q.7, lit. The only diffe­rence is that the tran­s­lucent support frame that picked up the color of the backg­round is repl­aced by the new LED module, which now illum­in­ates the backg­round.

Both series can be perfectly combined. And the same funct­i­onal depth is avai­lable for both series: over 250 inserts for every desired applic­ation. To create your own spec­ific design, feel free to contact our Manufaktur team.