vega D

Hager electrical distribution boards with open and closed doors on blue background

Flex­ibly scal­able instal­lat­ions

This system is flex­ible and allows perfectly smooth inte­g­ration in all types of projects, incl­uding mult­i­m­edia or autom­ation devices. Using a wide choice of funct­i­onal acce­s­s­ories, you can easily assoc­iate mult­iple encl­os­ures or add rows of modules to opti­mize space. vega D distrib­ution boards guarantee instal­lation without unnec­e­s­sary effort and const­ra­ints. And to save even more time, part­i­ally equi­pped encl­os­ures can also be ordered.

Main features:

  • Metal encl­osure, class II
  • Capacity: 2 to 7 rows, 48 to 168 modules
  • Avai­lable in surface or flush-mounted vers­ions
  • Degrees of prot­ection: IP30, IP41 - IP54

Your bene­fits:

Easy assoc­i­ation

Thanks to an assoc­i­ation kit, vega D distrib­ution boards can be combined horizontally or vert­ic­ally depe­nding on your site, flat or directly on the wall.

3rd rail between 2 rows

Only at Hager. The instal­lation of a 3rd rail between 2 modular rows makes it poss­ible to add a row of term­inals outside of the modular foot­p­rint.

Easy cabling

More acce­s­si­bility on the sides and more spaces between the back of the cabinet and the DIN rail. Fixing without tools.

Profe­s­s­ional finis­hing

Clip-on label holder & above or below modular products for perfect alignment. Doors to choose from, solid or tran­s­parent. Sober lines, robust structure Time­less design and impecc­able finish.

Smart packaging

Easy unpac­king

Storage of inge­n­ious dismantled parts

Reusable / Recyc­l­able for a future shipment

The spec­i­a­list for your elect­rical instal­lat­ions

Our cert­i­fied and tested elect­rical solut­ions meet spec­ific project requirements and provide reli­able distrib­ution and control of power. This guarantees the highest cons­ist­ency at a maximum level of safety and trouble-free operation in diverse types of applic­ation.

Need help? 

We are here for you, with you.