Protect. Measure. Commun­icate.

Electrical distribution board with multiple circuit breakers inside a white cabinet

h3+ Circuit Brea­kers

The new gene­ration of Hager Moulded Case Circuit Brea­kers h3+ ensures reli­able prot­ection against overl­oads and short circ­uits, combined with accurate inte­g­rated energy monito­ring for all low voltage distrib­ution systems. With a compact frame size, avai­lable from 25 to 630 A h3+ offers high prot­ection perfo­rmance with a brea­king capacity up to 110 kA. h3+ MCCBs, avai­lable with either a built-in thermal-magn­etic trip unit or elect­ronic trip unit, offer flex­ible prot­ection sett­ings to ease disc­ri­m­in­ation in all elect­rical distrib­ution instal­lat­ions.

More poss­i­bi­l­ities - with h3+ Energy

A unive­rsal solution

The h3+ moulded case circuit brea­kers are suit­able for all types of comme­rcial buildings:

  • Offices and works­p­aces
  • Hotels
  • Shops

Suit­able for all business profiles

h3+ guarantees an effic­ient and safe instal­lation what­ever your trade:

  • Elect­rical installer
  • Panel builder
  • Inte­g­rator

Comp­atible with Hager equi­pment

Can be inte­g­rated into quadro and vega D encl­osure systems with the aid of equi­pment kits.

80% less instal­lation time

For maximum effic­i­ency of the system, h3+ sett­ings and confi­guration can be carried out either via web server, mobile phone, tablet or PC.

Confi­guration via web server

With the new confi­guration tool, you can easily confi­gure all h3+ Energy circuit brea­kers from a PC, tablet or smart­p­hone. No special software is required thanks to the inte­g­rated web server. It's as simple as this:

Connect the confi­guration tool

Use a conn­ection cable to connect the confi­guration tool to the inte­rface on the front of the circuit breaker. The tool can be easily fixed to the housing door using the inte­g­rated magnet on the rear of the circuit breaker – leaving you with both hands free for prog­ramming.

Switch on the confi­guration tool

A battery is inte­g­rated into the confi­guration tool. This provides the trigger unit of the circuit breaker with power as soon as you switch on the tool. In this way, you can confi­gure the new h3+ Energy safely without a mains voltage supply.

Login via web browser

Log in with your pass­word. After login, param­eters can be confi­gured and the status can be called up easily via the browser – without special software.

Confi­gure the param­eters

You can now set and check param­eters such as the trigger curve of the trigger unit or the alarm confi­guration with the confi­guration tool. During operation, you can also use the confi­guration tool for diag­n­ostics and can call up all common measurements and the status, e.g. switc­hing and event history, number of switc­hing cycles, etc.


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