KNX Touch control The inte­l­li­gent all-rounder

Smart home automation touchscreen display on wall with German Design Award emblem, interior installation view

Touch Me

Lights on, blinds down, scene starts:

Each page can be assi­gned up to six buttons or up to three rockers - depe­nding on the number in a horizontal or vert­ical arran­gement. You will find an overview of all confi­guration options in the instal­lation manual.


Know how, know how much:

In addition to the operating options, the KNX Touch Control disp­lays various energy or tempe­rature values on request - and thus prom­otes the effic­ient use of energy.

Outstanding design meets comp­re­he­n­sive comfort

The new KNX Touch Control from Berker is a room control unit and tempe­rature cont­ro­ller in one and masters the art of touch like no other. The inno­vative design fits disc­re­etly into any ambience - from upscale resid­e­ntial buildings to repre­s­e­ntative comme­rcial buildings. Design frames from Berker ensure the harmo­n­ious inte­g­ration into the favored switch range.

Dim the light or turn up the cooling:

For cumu­lative control proc­e­sses, we recom­mend the digital "rotary control", which can be combined with one or two buttons on each side. It gives the user an almost magical feeling when cont­ro­l­ling their house.

Individual touch:

Image data for the screen saver or other icons for desi­gning the pages can be uploaded using a microSD card.

Recom­me­nded applic­at­ions

  • Offices
  • Small comme­rcial buildings
  • Show­rooms
  • Villas

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