Unde­rfloor boxes

Desi­gned to inco­rpo­rate tele­p­hone, power, and ancil­lary system service cables and to facil­itate distrib­ution.

Close-up of a metal cabinet leg with adjustable support and a floor cable cover

Invis­ible unde­rfloor trun­king system

The screed unde­rfloor system can be installed in offices or admin­ist­rative buildings, exhib­ition rooms, malls, or in any comme­rcial construction. The system can be applied where it can even resists harsh cond­it­ions of use (heavy loads, high traffic areas, dust and dirt, ...). The screed unde­rfloor system is a solution for complex power and commun­ic­ation requirements.


Unde­rfloor system is inte­nded for screed laying systems. Screed levels can be adapted from 80 mm to 110 mm.

Perfect base

The quick instal­lation system for screed applic­ation allows providing flex­ible solution for all types of screed, deli­ve­ring impre­s­sive and practical instal­lation advantages.

For every surface

All unde­rfloor boxes are made out of zinc-plated steel, which ensures a perfect prot­ection against corrosion.

For every situation

The floor boxes are inte­rc­o­n­n­ected via conduits or trun­k­ings, allo­wing an opti­m­ized supply of the building as well as a direct access from the floor to elect­rical power, data and telec­om­mun­ic­ation.

For office applic­at­ions

We help you create office buildings that can be more effic­ient, sustain­able, inte­l­li­gent and netwo­rked. They also become an envi­ronment in which emplo­yees feel comfo­rtable - today and in the future.

Have a spec­ific need?

Get in touch with our spec­i­a­l­ists now!

Need some insp­i­ration?

Check the docume­ntation and refe­rence cases.