Svart­edals school, Bisk­o­ps­gå­rden

Svart­eda­l­ssc­hool, Bisk­o­ps­g­arden  is a state-of-the-art, 2,500 square meter school in Gothe­n­burg and can accom­modate 750 stud­ents from grades four to nine. When it comes to elect­rical instal­lat­ions, everyt­hing is focused on giving stud­ents the best learning faci­l­ities poss­ible with opti­m­ised building consumption and energy manag­ement solut­ions, while being well adapted to antic­ipate future inno­vat­ions.


Modern building with green rooftop and sustainable design surrounded by nature in Sweden

Location: Bisk­o­ps­gå­rden, Gothe­n­burg

Total construction time: 28 month

Comp­l­eted: Summe­r2020

Purpose of the venue: School

Total area: 12 400 m2

Builder: Flodén Byggnads AB

Prop­erty owner: Gothe­n­burg region

Elect­rial cons­ultant: Rejlers Sverige AB

Elect­rician: Elect Service AB

Achitect: Wahlström & Stei­jner Arkite­kter AB

Achitect: Wahlström & Stei­jner Arkite­kter AB

Prop­erty manager: Gothe­n­burg region

A modern school equi­pped for the future

The new school, which was inaug­urated during the autumn semester 2020, is both large and modern. The arch­itect‘s office Wahlström and Stei­jner gave the building a pyramid-like shape so that it would blend in among the surro­unding hills.

The 12,500 square meter building can accom­modate 750 stud­ents in grades four to nine. In addition to school prem­ises, there is also a library, dining room, a large kitchen and a sports hall. An over-glazed atrium has also been created as a bonus area for exhib­it­ions, works­hops and perfo­rmances. When it comes to elect­rical instal­lat­ions, everyt­hing is well thought out and adapted for the future.
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Highl­ig­hted solut­ions at Svart­eda­l­ssc­hool

Univers 400 A, 12 centres

The wall-mounted cabinets are in sheet metal with IP-class IP44, which gives a very robust quality. The cabinets are equi­pped with the flex­ible unive­rsal system and equi­pped with main switches, diazed fuses and a number of dwarf, person and earth fault switches.

Golvbox VE09

The floor boxes ordered for Svart­eda­l­ss­kolan are easy to adjust and are adapted for a wide selection of acce­s­s­ories. The flex­i­bility made it easy for the instal­lers to choose Hager at an early stage as they did not know what would sit in the floor boxes. It was easy to retrofit the appliance box, which was then equi­pped with products acco­rding to the cust­omer‘s wishes.instal­lat­ions, everyt­hing is well thought out and adapted for the future.

Univers floor cabinet 1600 A

Since the school building requires very large distrib­ut­ions, a Univers floor cabinet 1600 A is used as an incoming service. The cabinet is equi­pped with power, knife and diazed fuses as well as energy meters for under mete­ring. The distrib­ution feeds the other twelve centers with force.

Window sill duct BRA 65x130

Since the horizontally mounted window sill ducts needed to be adapted on site, the choice fell on alum­inum as it is a smooth mate­rial to work with. The instal­lation was both simple and fast because the joints are self-grounding and the sockets front mounted. For the class­rooms, standing chan­nels were ordered in special lengths.

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