Sorli Emoc­ions Hotel, Maresme (Barc­e­lona) 

Setting new standards in the hotel industry

The Sorli Emoc­ions Hotel caters for fami­lies on holiday, business meeting and weekend geta­ways, all styled into one superb dest­in­ation. Finished with prestige Hager solut­ions, this 4 star also meets advanced sustain­a­bility standards.


"We always want to create an overall picture that's perfect."
A smiling person in business attire outdoors

Victor Godall

Hotel Manager, Hotel Sorli Emoc­ions

Location: Vilassar de Dalt, Barc­e­lona

Opened: 2014

Rooms: 33

Inte­rior desi­gner: DyD Inte­r­i­o­rismo by Chelo Alcañiz
Constructors: Vialser, S.L.
General cont­ractor: Carles Pellicer
Elect­rical planner: Gabinete Tecnico de projectos
Electric installer: Marinstal S.L.



The best kept secret on the Barc­e­lona coast

Solut­ions for comfort and style

Funct­i­o­n­a­lity and style combine once more for unde­rstated elegance to create spaces where guests can forget the routine of life for a while. 


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Products and solut­ions

berker TS sensor


berker R.3


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