Regs Hub
Have you questions regarding the changes to the wiring regulations? We’ve developed our Hub to be your source of information and guidance, where you’ll find everything you need to know and how it affects you.

Wiring Regs Guides
Have you questions regarding the I.S.10101 wiring regulations? We've got you covered in this bitesize guide.pdf1 Mb
At a Glance | Surge Protection
Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) protect electrical and electronic equipment against transients, originating from lightning, switching of transformers, lighting and motors.pdf81 Kb -
At a Glance | Arc Fault Detection
Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDDs) identify arc faults and automatically trip the affected circuit. This significantly reduces the risk of fire due to faulty conductors and connections.
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Different types of Residential Current Devices (RCDs) exist depending on their behaviour in the presence of DC components and frequencies. Select the appropriate device for specific applications.
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I.S.10101 FAQs
Do I have to fit surge protection?
Does it matter where in the board I fit the surge protection device?
What is an Arc Fault Detection Device?
Where do I install an AFDD?
What are the potential hazards that AFDDs protect against?
How are AFDDs different to an MCB?
What type of RCD/RCCB should be used for circuits supplying EV charging equipment?
Do I need to use Dca rated cable?
What rating/type of protective device should be used for lighting circuits when wired using 1.5mmSQ cable?
How many lighting circuits should be installed in a domestic dwelling and why? -
Should the meter tails unit be a single pole or double pole device?
Do I need to use a metal consumer unit?
When installing an SPD, should it be connected in series or parallel?
How often should the state of the SPD be inspected? Who should check it, and what should be done if it displays a fault?
Can I use one AFDD to protect an entire installation?
Can I still use the old reg’s (ET101)?
Is it acceptable to perform an insulation resistance test on an installation with electronic RCBO's and SPD connected and in the On position?
Do you have more questions on I.S.10101 regulations?