Modular devices

Modular devices

Hager DIN rail-mounted devices are available with classic screw-type and QuickConnect connection technology, saving up to 40 percent installation time. Completely safe and maintenancefree!

Protec­tion and accessories

Protect, switch - with the Hager modular install­a­tion devices, you're equipped for all tasks.

Switching and signalling devices

Control and report: with Hager’s relays, contactors and signalling devices, all the require­ments of these basic func­tions of install­a­tion tech­no­logy in commer­cial and func­tional build­ings can easily be covered.

Meters and meas­uring devices

Preci­sion matters: reli­ab­ility and accuracy are the defining features of Hager meters, as well as the current and voltage meas­uring devices.