Residential Residual Current Breaker with over-current


Residual Current Circuit Breakers with Overcurrent Protection


Modern house exterior at dusk with illuminated interior and outdoor lighting, featuring a pool and waterfront view

Our residential range of single module and four module RCBOs can be integrated with other Hager Modular Circuit Protection Devices.

Perfect compact solution

Our single module, onekombo RCBO, ADC9 is compact in size and fits perfectly into any installation. It also comes with a neutral-in one metre long fly lead, and two connection terminals (cage and busbar slot), to make sure it is the most versatile device in the market.

From complex to compact

At only four modules wide and compatible with Hager onekonekt busbar and Modular Circuit Protection, three phase RCBO protection has never been so space friendly. With the choice of either 6kA or 10kA, from 6A to 40A and in either 30mA or 100mA, our new four pole RCBO provides combined RCD and MCB protection in a single robust DIN rail mounted design.

Features and Benefits

Type A RCBOs increase the accuracy in identifying DC faults in electrical devices.
Devices are compatible with the onekonekt busbar system.
Long multi position DIN clips allow for easy removal of a single product on the DIN rail busbar without disconnecting other devices or wiring.
Four module RCBOs have the earth fault trip indication displayed in a separate window to assist in fault finding.
A space saving solution to protect 4 pole loads with a four module wide RCBO device.
The neutral in the four module RCBOs can be wired to the neutral link or connected through our KB181x busbar to comply with AS/NZS 3000.
Mounted to the left of the four module RCBO, auxiliaries remotely indicate the position or trip condition of the device. 
The four module RCBO is suitable for balanced or unbalanced loads across phases when 400V AC is between phases.

View our range

RCBO 6kA, 1 module, 1P+N

Type A, 'C' Curve

RCBO 6kA, 1 module, 1P+N

Type A, 'D' Curve

RCBO 6kA, 2 Module, 1P+N

Type A, 'C' Curve

RCBO 6kA, 4 Module, 4P

Type A, 'C' Curve

Busbars and Connectors

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