
Last updated: May 2018


At Ha­ger, we re­spect your pri­va­cy and we want to be trans­pa­rent about the ty­pes of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect about you and how we use it. In this Web­s­i­te Pri­va­cy No­ti­ce (he­r­e­af­ter the "Notice"), we ex­plain who we are, how we col­lect, sha­re and use per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we ob­tain from you when you vi­sit a web plat­form (he­r­e­af­ter the "Website"), and how you can exerci­se your pri­va­cy rights.

Plea­se note that this No­ti­ce descri­bes the col­lection of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that ta­kes pla­ce ge­ne­ral­ly on all Ha­ger web­s­i­tes and the spe­ci­fic pro­ces­sing acti­vi­ties that take pla­ce on each Ha­ger web­s­i­tes may be dif­fe­rent. There­fo­re, some of the pro­ces­sing acti­vi­ties descri­bed in this No­ti­ce might not ap­ply to the par­ti­cu­lar Ha­ger web­s­i­te that you are vi­si­ting.

If you have any questions or con­cerns about our use of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, then plea­se con­ta­ct us using the con­ta­ct de­tails provi­ded at the bot­tom of this No­ti­ce.

The Web­s­i­te that you are vi­si­ting is ma­na­ged by the lo­cal Ha­ger af­fi­li­a­te (he­r­e­af­ter "Hager"), who is the data con­trol­ler for all per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that is col­lected via a Web­s­i­te.

1. Quick links

We recom­mend that you read this No­ti­ce in full to en­su­re you are ful­ly in­for­med. Howe­ver, if you only want to ac­cess a par­ti­cu­lar section of this No­ti­ce, then you can cli­ck on the re­le­vant link be­low to jump to that section.

2. What personal information we collect and why
3. For what purposes we use your personal information
4. Who we share your personal information with
5. On what legal basis we process your personal information
6. Transfers of personal information outside the EU/EEA
7. How long we store your personal information
8. How we protect your personal information
9. Minors
10. What data protection rights you have and how you can exercise them
11. External links
12. Updates to this Notice
13. How to contact us

2. What personal information we collect and why

We col­lect va­rious ty­pes of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion on our Web­s­i­te. The per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that we may col­lect about you bro­ad­ly falls into the fol­lowing ca­te­go­ri­es:

Information that you provide voluntarily

Certain parts of our Web­s­i­te may ask you to provi­de per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion vo­lun­ta­rily, in­clu­ding:

  • your con­ta­ct de­tails: such as first and last name, date of bir­th, ad­dress, pho­ne num­ber, e-mail ad­dress, gen­der;

  • de­tails about the pro­ducts/ser­vi­ces you are using or in­te­r­e­sted in;

  • cre­dit card de­tails;

  • bu­si­ness con­ta­ct de­tails, in­clu­ding your bu­si­ness af­fi­li­a­tion;

  • CVs and job ap­pli­ca­tions for on­li­ne recru­it­ment pur­po­ses.

The per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that you are asked to provi­de, and the rea­sons why you are asked to provi­de it, will be made clear to you at the po­int we ask you to provi­de your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

Information that we collect automatically

When you vi­sit our Web­s­i­te, we may col­lect certain in­for­ma­tion au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly from your de­vi­ce. In some co­un­tri­es, in­clu­ding co­un­tri­es in the Eu­ro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area, this in­for­ma­tion may be con­si­de­red per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion un­der ap­pli­cab­le data pro­tection laws.

Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, the in­for­ma­tion we col­lect au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly may in­clu­de in­for­ma­tion like your IP ad­dress, de­vi­ce type, unique de­vi­ce iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­bers, brow­ser-type, pre­fe­ren­ces, bro­ad geo­grap­hic lo­ca­tion (e.g. co­un­try or city-le­vel lo­ca­tion) and ot­her te­ch­ni­cal in­for­ma­tion. We may also col­lect in­for­ma­tion about how your de­vi­ce has in­te­r­a­cted with our Web­s­i­te, in­clu­ding the pa­ges ac­ces­sed and links cli­ck­ed.

Col­lecting this in­for­ma­tion enab­les us to bet­ter un­der­stand the vi­si­tors who come to our Web­s­i­te, whe­re they come from, and what con­tent on our Web­s­i­te is of in­te­r­est to them. We use this in­for­ma­tion for our in­ter­nal ana­ly­ti­cs pur­po­ses and to im­prove the qua­li­ty and re­le­van­ce of our Web­s­i­te to our vi­si­tors.

We use cook­i­es and si­milar tra­ck­ing te­ch­no­lo­gy (col­lecti­ve­ly, “Cook­i­es”) to col­lect and use per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion about you. For furt­her in­for­ma­tion about the ty­pes of Cook­i­es we use, why, and how you can con­trol Cook­i­es, plea­se see our Cookie Notice.

Information that we obtain indirectly from third parties

From time to time, we may re­cei­ve per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion about you that we ob­tain from ot­her sour­ces (for examp­le: in­stal­lers when they cre­a­te an ac­co­unt on your be­half on one of our Web­s­i­tes).

The ty­pes of in­for­ma­tion we col­lect from third par­ties may in­clu­de: email ad­dress, de­tails about your exi­sting in­stal­la­tion, etc. We use this in­for­ma­tion to main­tain and im­prove the ac­cu­ra­cy of the records we hold about you, to provi­de te­ch­ni­cal as­si­stan­ce for the set­ting-up or main­tenan­ce of our so­lu­tions and to ma­na­ge our cu­st­o­mer ac­co­unt re­la­tions­hip with you.

3. For what purposes we use your personal information

We use the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect from you for the fol­lowing pur­po­ses:

  • to cre­a­te your ac­co­unt on our Web­s­i­te;

  • to com­mu­ni­ca­te ef­fi­ci­ent­ly with you and to an­swer any questions or que­ri­es you may have

  • to ma­na­ge your on­li­ne pur­cha­ses on our Web­s­i­te;

  • to ad­mi­ni­ster and mo­ni­tor the sta­bi­li­ty and per­for­man­ce of our Web­s­i­te in or­der to im­prove it;

  • to en­su­re the con­tent on our Web­s­i­te is re­le­vant to you and is pre­sen­ted in the most ef­fecti­ve man­ner for you;

  • to send you in­for­ma­tion or pro­mo­tions on our pro­ducts and pro­po­sed ser­vi­ces;

  • to subscri­be you to our news­let­ter;

  • to send you per­so­na­lized ad­ver­ti­se­ments that we think may in­te­r­est you ba­sed on your pre­fe­ren­ces and your use of our Web­s­i­te;

  • to no­ti­fy you when up­da­tes of our Web­s­i­te are avai­lab­le and of chan­ges to any pro­ducts or ser­vi­ces we of­fer or provi­de through it;

  • to un­der­stand your pre­fe­ren­ces and im­prove your ex­pe­ri­en­ce and cu­st­o­mer sa­tis­fa­ction when you vi­sit our Web­s­i­te and our ser­vi­ces;

  • to car­ry out sta­ti­sti­cal ana­ly­ses on the use of this Web­s­i­te and vi­sit frequen­cy; and

  • for on­li­ne recru­it­ment pur­po­ses (plea­se read the Jobs Ap­pli­ca­tion Pri­va­cy No­ti­ce that is avai­lab­le on our Web­s­i­te.

We will use the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect from you only for the pur­po­ses descri­bed in this No­ti­ce or for pur­po­ses that we ex­plain to you at the time we col­lect your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

4. Who we share your personal information with

We may di­sclo­se your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion to the fol­lowing ca­te­go­ri­es of re­ci­pi­ents:

  • to Ha­ger af­fi­li­a­tes, third par­ty ser­vi­ce provi­ders and part­ners who provi­de data pro­ces­sing ser­vi­ces to us (for examp­le, to sup­port the de­li­ve­ry of, provi­de fun­ctio­na­li­ty on, or help to en­han­ce the securi­ty of our Web­s­i­te), or who ot­herwi­se pro­cess per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for pur­po­ses that are descri­bed in this No­ti­ce or no­ti­fied to you when we col­lect your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion;

  • to any com­pe­tent law en­for­ce­ment body, re­gu­la­tory, gover­n­ment agen­cy, court or ot­her third par­ty whe­re we be­lie­ve such di­sclo­su­re is ne­ces­sary (i) as a mat­ter of com­plying with ap­pli­cab­le laws or re­gu­la­tions, (ii) to exerci­se, establish or de­fend our le­gal rights, or (iii) to pro­tect your vi­tal in­te­r­e­sts or tho­se of any ot­her per­son;

  • to a po­ten­ti­al buy­er (and its agents and ad­vi­sers) in con­nection with any pro­po­sed pur­cha­se, mer­ger or acqui­si­tion of any part of our bu­si­ness, provi­ded that we in­form the buy­er it must use your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion only for the pur­po­ses di­sclo­sed in this No­ti­ce;

  • to any ot­her per­son with your con­sent to the di­sclo­su­re.


5. On what legal basis we process your personal information

We will pro­cess the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion col­lected on our Web­s­i­te ba­sed on the ne­ces­si­ty to ma­na­ge our re­la­tions­hip with you, ba­sed on our le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­r­e­sts which will de­pend on the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion con­cer­ned and the spe­ci­fic con­te­xt in which we col­lect it, or ba­sed on your con­sent.

If we ask you to provi­de per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion to com­ply with a le­gal requi­re­ment or to per­form a con­tra­ct with you, we will make this clear at the re­le­vant time and ad­vi­se you whet­her the pro­vi­sion of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is man­da­tory or not (as well as of the po­s­sib­le con­sequen­ces if you do not provi­de your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion).

Si­milar­ly, if we col­lect and use your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion in re­li­an­ce on our le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­r­e­sts (or tho­se of any third par­ty), we will make clear to you at the re­le­vant time what tho­se le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­r­e­sts are.


6. Transfers of personal information outside the EU/EEA

We ope­ra­te at a glo­bal le­vel and, as a re­sult, your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion may be trans­fer­red to, and pro­ces­sed in, co­un­tri­es ot­her than the co­un­try in which you are resi­dent. In some ca­ses, the­se co­un­tri­es may be lo­ca­ted out­si­de the Eu­ro­pe­an Uni­on / Eu­ro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area (EU/EEA) and there­fo­re may have data pro­tection laws that are dif­fe­rent to the laws of your co­un­try of resi­den­ce.

Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, our Web­s­i­te ser­vers are lo­ca­ted in the EU/EEA, but we may sha­re or give ac­cess to your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion to Ha­ger af­fi­li­a­tes, third par­ty ser­vi­ce provi­ders and part­ners who may be ope­rat­ing out­si­de the EU/EEA (for examp­le, we may use web hosting provi­ders or cloud com­pu­ting ser­vi­ce provi­ders who sto­re or ac­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion out­si­de the EU/EEA).

Whe­re that is the case, we make sure that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is trans­fer­red to third co­un­tri­es out­si­de the EU/EEA that are de­e­med "adequa­te" by the Eu­ro­pe­an Com­mis­sion (a list of adequa­te co­un­tri­es is avai­lab­le here), or al­ter­na­ti­ve­ly, whe­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is not sent to a co­un­try that provi­des adequa­te pro­tection, we will put in pla­ce ap­pro­p­ri­a­te sa­fe­gu­ards to gu­a­ran­tee that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion re­mains pro­tected whi­le it is be­ing pro­ces­sed out­si­de the EU/EEA in ac­cor­dan­ce with ap­pli­cab­le pri­va­cy laws. The­se ap­pro­p­ri­a­te sa­fe­gu­ards may in­clu­de sig­ning the Eu­ro­pe­an Com­mis­sion’s Stan­dard Con­tra­ctu­al Clau­ses with the Ha­ger af­fi­li­a­te, third par­ty ser­vi­ce provi­der or part­ner out­si­de the EU/EEA with whom we sha­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. For furt­her in­for­ma­tion about trans­fers of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion out­si­de the EU/EEA, plea­se re­fer to the "How to con­ta­ct us" section be­low.

7. How long we store your personal information

We will re­tain your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for as long as ne­ces­sary to enab­le us to ful­fil the pur­po­ses descri­bed in this No­ti­ce and whe­re we have an ongo­ing le­gi­ti­ma­te bu­si­ness need to do so (for examp­le, to provi­de you with a ser­vi­ce you have reque­sted).

Once the pur­po­se for pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion no lon­ger exists, or the pe­ri­od of re­ten­tion has expi­red, or if you ask us to de­le­te your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, we may con­ti­nue to sto­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for a li­mi­ted pe­ri­od of time if ne­ces­sary to com­ply with ap­pli­cab­le le­gal, tax or ac­co­un­ting requi­re­ments.

When we no lon­ger have a pur­po­se to pro­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, we will make sure your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is eit­her de­le­ted or ano­ny­mi­sed.

8. How we protect your personal information

We are com­mit­ted to en­suring the securi­ty of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. We uti­lize ro­bust precau­tions to pro­tect the con­fi­den­ti­a­lity and securi­ty of the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion wit­hin our Web­s­i­te, by em­ploying te­ch­no­lo­gi­cal, phy­si­cal and ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­ve securi­ty sa­fe­gu­ards, such as fi­rewalls and ca­re­ful­ly de­ve­l­oped securi­ty pro­ce­du­res, for examp­le, when you en­ter con­fi­den­ti­al in­for­ma­tion (such as lo­gin cre­den­ti­als or in­for­ma­tion sub­mit­ted from wit­hin the Web­s­i­te). We en­crypt the trans­mis­sion of that in­for­ma­tion using secu­re so­ck­et lay­er te­ch­no­lo­gy (SSL). The­se te­ch­no­lo­gies, pro­ce­du­res and ot­her mea­su­res are used in an ef­fort to en­su­re that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion re­mains safe, secu­re, and only avai­lab­le to you and to tho­se you aut­ho­rized to ac­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. Howe­ver, no in­ter­net, e-mail or ot­her electro­nic trans­mis­sion is ever ful­ly secu­re or er­ror free, so you should take care in de­ci­ding what in­for­ma­tion you send to us in this way.


9. Minors

The ser­vi­ces we provi­de on this Web­s­i­te are not in­ten­ded for in­di­vi­du­als be­low the age of 18. If you are un­der 18, plea­se do not provi­de your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion on this Web­s­i­te.


10. What data protection rights you have and how you can exercise them

You have the fol­lowing data pro­tection rights:

  • You may request ac­cess to and ob­tain a copy of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

  • You may also request that any per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that is inac­cu­ra­te or in­com­ple­te be recti­fied or com­ple­ted.

  • You may request that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion be era­sed un­der certain le­gal con­di­tions (for examp­le, whe­re the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is no lon­ger ne­e­ded to achie­ve the pur­po­ses for which the in­for­ma­tion was ini­ti­al­ly col­lected).

  • In ad­di­tion, you may ob­ject to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, ask us to re­stri­ct pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion or request po­rta­bi­li­ty of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion un­der certain le­gal con­di­tions.

  • You have the right to opt-out of electro­nic mar­ke­ting com­mu­ni­ca­tions we send you at any time and free of ch­ar­ge. You can exerci­se this right by cli­ck­ing on the “unsubscri­be” or “opt-out” link in the mar­ke­ting e-mails we send you. To opt-out of ot­her forms of mar­ke­ting (such as po­stal mar­ke­ting or te­le­mar­ke­ting), then plea­se con­ta­ct us using the con­ta­ct de­tails provi­ded un­der the “How to con­ta­ct us” he­a­ding be­low.

  • Si­milar­ly, if we have col­lected and pro­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion with your con­sent, then you can wit­hdraw your con­sent at any time.

  • Wit­hdrawing your con­sent will not af­fect the law­ful­ness of any pro­ces­sing we con­ducted pri­or to your wit­hdrawal, nor will it af­fect pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion con­ducted in re­li­an­ce on law­ful pro­ces­sing gro­unds ot­her than con­sent.

  • You have the right to com­plain to a data pro­tection aut­ho­ri­ty about our col­lection and use of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. For more in­for­ma­tion, plea­se con­ta­ct your lo­cal data pro­tection aut­ho­ri­ty. Con­ta­ct de­tails for data pro­tection aut­ho­ri­ties in the Eu­ro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area, Switzer­land and certain non-Eu­ro­pe­an co­un­tri­es (in­clu­ding the US and Ca­na­da) are available here.

You may exerci­se any of the rights above at any time by con­ta­cting us as descri­bed un­der the “How to con­ta­ct us” section be­low. We will re­spond to your request in ac­cor­dan­ce with ap­pli­cab­le data pro­tection laws.

11. External links

If any part of our Web­s­i­te provi­des links to third par­ty web­s­i­tes, tho­se web­s­i­tes do not ope­ra­te un­der this No­ti­ce. We are not re­spon­sib­le for the on­li­ne col­lection on third par­ties' web­s­i­tes and we recom­mend you exa­mi­ne the pri­va­cy no­ti­ces po­sted on tho­se web­s­i­tes to un­der­stand their pro­ce­du­res for col­lecting, using and di­sclo­sing per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

12. Updates to this Notice

We may up­da­te this Pri­va­cy No­ti­ce in re­spon­se to chan­ging le­gal, te­ch­ni­cal or bu­si­ness de­ve­l­op­ments and whe­re that is the case, we will provi­de an up­da­ted ver­sion of this Pri­va­cy No­ti­ce on our Web­s­i­te.

You can see when this Pri­va­cy No­ti­ce was last up­da­ted by check­ing the “last up­da­te” date dis­play­ed at the top of this Pri­va­cy No­ti­ce.

13. How to contact us

If you have any questions, con­cerns or com­plaints about this No­ti­ce, or the way we pro­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, or if you want to exerci­se your rights as descri­bed above, plea­se use this request form.

If you are a cu­st­o­mer of Ha­ger, plea­se also note our Global Customer Privacy Policy.