RCBO Recall Registration

RCBO Recall Registration

Please submit details below and our Recall Service Team will respond to your registration.


Your details

Number of RCBOs

Installation address

Please enter installation address directly here if you have only one

If you have multiple installation adresses, check "yes" and our support team will contact you back to specifiy all adressess with you

*Mandatory fields

Your enquiry has been sent! Thank you for contacting us. We endeavour to respond to your enquiry within 24 hours.

Get in touch

Wherever you are, we’re always working for you, with you. There’s always an easy way to contact us.

Any questions?

If you’ve got a question or issues that we’ve not answered in our FAQs, please get in touch with us. We’re always happy to help you move your project forwards. It's what we do!

How can we help?


Contact details

Phone: 1300 850 253
Email: customerservice@hagerelectro.com.au