HagerGroup and the social networks




Last update: July 2022



Introduction :


When you visit our pages or accounts on the social networks, you leave leave the Hager universe and enter into the universes of Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google. We draw your attention to the fact that, when you consult Hager pages and use the functions of the aforementioned social networks, you do so under your own responsibility. This applies in particular to the use of interactive functions such as commenting, sharing , liking, etc.




  1. Hager and the confidentiality policies of the social networks 
  2. Types of social network data we process from our pages
  3. More about the way the social data handle your data
  4. For what purposes do we use your personal data?
  5. With whom do we share your personal data?
  6. Are your data shared with the social networks?
  7. What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?
  8. Data transfer outside EU/EEA
  9. Are the data collected by the social networks transferred outside the European Economic Area?
  10. Personal data storage time
  11. How are your personal data protected?
  12. What are your rights to data confidentiality and how can you exercise them?
  13. Exercising your rights in regard to the social networks
  14. Where can I find out more?



01. Hager and the confidentiality policies of the social networks:


Quite independently of Hager’s confidentiality policy, the terms, conditions and rules applicable to personal data protection, are those of Facebook https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/of Instagram  Privacy Policy, of LinkedIn, https://fr.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?, Youtube, https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=fr&fg=1 and Twitter Privacy policy. We suggest you consult these rules, terms and conditions.

Similarly, the cookies placed on your devices when you browse these sites are managed under the policies of each of these above-mentioned platforms. We invite you to consult the cooky policies of these websites, so that you can control their access to your devices:


FacebookCookie policy

InstagramCookie policy | Pages d’aide Instagram

LinkedIn: Cookie policy | LinkedIn

Twitter: How we use cookies and similar technologies

Google How Google uses cookies 



02. Types of social network data we process from our pages


The personal data accessed by Hager are your personal ID or pseudo that you publicly use on the social networks, as well as the information contained in your comments, your reactions to our publications and any other information shared with us by the social network platforms, compliant to their general terms and conditions of use. We draw up statistics of consultation of our profiles by processing your IP address. We can also use the content that you have chosen to share and which shows personal data such as your image, voice and any personal identification data you may have added. We act as joint data controller or processor.


03. More about how the social networks process your data


When you visit a Hager page from the social networks, your personal data on the social networks are processed by the platforms concerned. Links to their data confidentiality policies are shown in paragraph 1 above: “Hager and the confidentiality policies of the social networks.”

If you consult or use these platforms on more than one device, all of these devices may be used for data collection and evaluation purposes once they are registered and connected to your personal profile.

Further, we use the anonymised statistical data generated by Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google based on your social network activity, whenever you consult the Hager Facebook page or Hager accounts from Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or Youtube, or when you react to one of our publications by liking them, commenting on them or sharing reactions.

We also use the demographic and geographical statistics prepared by these social networks based on your profile and navigation data.

Traffic statistics generated are transmitted to us in exclusively anonymised form and we have no access to the data on which they are based.


04. For what purposes do we use your personal data?


Traffic statistics enable us to use Hager pages or accounts on the social networks to provide content targeted to your interests, to develop functionalities liable to be of interest to you, and to improve our communication through the social networks.

We also use our profiles and accounts to promote the sharing of your technical achievements, sometimes as part of the competitions/games that we organise. Please find all further information you may need about the way we manage your personal data in the relevant game or competition rules.

Lastly, Hager occasionally shares the content that you may have created. Our purpose then is the promotion of our products, of the events that we organise, or of other social network promotional actions. In this connection we invite you to consult our policy of sharing user-generated content.


05. With whom do we share your personal data?


We use an external service provider to whom we sub-contract the management of our publications on the social networks, in order to facilitate our communication and take account of your interactions. This subcontractor handles personal data under our instructions, determines the kind of information to track and analyse, and keeps Hager informed.

The data that you share with us when accessing Hager from the social networks (i.e. account ID, comment, reactions, messages) are then stored for up to 25 months to enable us to provide you with the best possible replies based on the analysis of the activity surrounding our profiles.


06. Are your data shared with the social networks?


We do not, as such, share your personal data with the managers of the social networks with which we interact. In practice, the members of the social networks themselves communicate their own personal data when they create an interactivity profile on the social platforms. The general terms and conditions of use issued by the social networks apply in the first instance to the personal data exchanged on the social networks.

Like all the other information provided by users of the social networks, the reactions of those who foillow Hager accounts or pages are subject to analysis by Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google, whose teams use them to improve the advertising system that these platforms distribute on their social networks.


07. What is the legal basis of the processing of your personal data?


When you like our publications, comment them, ask to join the discussion groups we have set up, or whenever you simply interact with us, you do so on your personal initiative. The legal basis for the processing of these data, is your consent. This is set out in Article 6-1a of the GDPR.

When we use our sub-contractor to analyse the activity of the persons consulting our accounts or profiles and interacting with us, we do so on the basis of our legitimate interest.

Before making use of user-generated content, we seek user consent.  You can notify Hager of your withdrawal of consent by sending us a private message from the social network concerned.


08. Transfer of your personal data outside EU/EEA

When you interact with us on the social networks, your data are analysed by our subcontractor, who uses AWS for hosting the personal data being processed. Given this, the data in question may be transferred to the United States. We draw your attention to the fact that the guarantees and assurances offered by European data protection law do not cover the Unitied States.

If you do not want your data to be transferred to AWS, you can keep us informed of your comments and reactions to our publications, not on the social network you may have used, but by using our contact form. This form puts yourselves and ourselves into direct relation one with another!


09. Are the data collected by the social networks transferred outside the European Economic Area?

The data collected by Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google can be processed outside the European Economic Area and transferred to the United States. We draw your attention to the fact that the guarantees and assurances offered by European data protection law do not cover the Unitied States.

Under legislation in force in the United State, it is possible for the American authorities to access your personal data when processed and stored by the different entities managing the social networks.


10. Personal data storage time

We store the personal data collected from our pages or accounts for the time needed to respond to your comments, and generally speaking no longer than 25 months.

You remain in control of the data you share on the social networks and the possibility remains open to you to modify or delete that data. The terms and conditions are those of the relevant social networks.


11. How are your personal data protected?


As part of Hager’s relationship with our sub-contractor, we have adopted appropriate technical, legal and organisaitonal measures to ensure the protection of the personal data that we handle.

Data protection on the social networks is the responsibility of the social network platforms. Those using the social networks can determine or change their data confidentiality settings to suit their requirements by following the procedures set down by the various social networks.

Please go to section No.1 above, “Hager and the confidentiality policies of the social networks” where, for each platform that we deal with, we provide links to the confidentiality and cookie management policies. We suggest that you consult these webpages and adjust your confidentiality protetion to the level that you desire.


12. What are your rights to data confidentiality and how can you exercise them?


If you wish Hager to provide you with information on the personal data that you share on our pages or on our accounts in the social networks, or if you wish to exercise your rights, you may contact the Hager Data Processing Offier, whose contact details are available here. You can also make contact by using the dedicated form for exercise of your rights.

You have the right to raise a complaint with a controlling authority if you believe your rights are not respected. Finally, if it is your wish that your profile or account be no longer linked to Hager and hence no longer contribute to the statistics available to Hager, you may at all times leave the groups of which you are a member, and put an end to your following, liking or subscribing to any one or more of our pages or accounts.


13. Exercising your rights in regard to the social networks


It follows from the legal enactments on joint responsibility for the control or processing of personal data, that demands for the exercice of your rights as data subject, may be lodged with the relevant data controllers. We do even so recommend raising claims directly with Meta, Linkedin, Twitter and Google. These platforms, being social network providers, have direct access to user information and can where necessary take immediate action and provide information.
These platforms provide information on your rights whereby, in a general manner and depending on legal provisions, you are entitled to the following: access to personal data, right of correction of inaccurate or incomplete data, right of withdrawal of consent, of opposition to or limitation of the  processing of your data, rights to data oblivion or portability.


14. Where can I find out more?


For all further questions on the use of cookies or about how we use personal information, please contact Hager Data Protection Delegate:

Martina Renner

Verimax GmbH

Warndststraße 115, 66127 Saarbrücken

Tel.: +49 89 8006578-0
