flow: The Home Energy Management System Information on the processing of your personal data

Last updated: Dec 2021


1. Quick links


We recommend that you read the entire document so that you are fully informed. Should you wish to consult a specific section, a click on the heading will take you directly there:


2. Data controller and service provider

3. Purposes of the processing and categories of personal data

4. Legal basis for data processing

5. Recipients of the data

6. Data transfer to third countries

7. Automated decision-making

8. Storage period

9. Rights and contact

10. Data security


2. Data controller and service provider

Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Zum Gunterstal
66440 Blieskastel
Tel.: +49(0)6842/9450
E-mail: info@hager.de


3. Purposes of the processing and categories of personal data

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To perform a contract, provide a service, for documentation
  • Remote monitoring and remote maintenance, technical customer service
  • To process customer enquiries
  • To ensure functionality and security of systems
  • To comply with legal rights and duties
  • To implement our General Terms and Conditions
  • For quality enhancement, product and customer service development 
  • To enable transmission of location-based information and services (e.g. the weather), provided that separate consent to access location data has been given.
  • For authorised advertising purposes (pursuant to Section 4 "Legal basis", otherwise only after you have given separate consent)


The following data are processed:

  • Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number
  • IP address, device IDs, account ID
  • Registration and logging data
  • Basic data and conditions relating to energy supply, the domestic electricity network, meter(s), connection to the grid, rates/prices and weather data
  • Network/devices/components: Data on installation, configuration, capacity, communication and status 
  • Data on energy production, energy consumption, status, performance and load (live data, history, timeline, statistics and forecasts)
  • Customer enquiries and customer communication

The data are collected and processed in the context of installation and providing services. If necessary, data retained are added to data already processed.


4. Legal basis for data processing 

Data processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or for steps taken prior to entering into a contract, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Without data processing, contractual services cannot be fulfilled.

If we process data for advertising purposes, this shall take place in accordance with requirements in competition law to safeguard legitimate marketing interests, pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR or else only once you have given separate consent.


5. Recipients of the data

We transmit your personal data to Hager subsidiaries and service providers who supply the following services to us:

  • System provision and hosting 
  • Ensuring functionality and security
  • Support, service and remote access 
  • Maintenance, optimisation and weather data


6. Data transfer to third countries

Our servers are located within the EU/EEA. 

We may also transfer personal data to recipients located outside the EU or EEA, provided that - prior to the transfer - we ensure that the recipient guarantees an adequate level of data protection. You can obtain from us a copy of the regulations ensuring the appropriate level of data protection. In order to do so, please make use of the contact details in Section 9 "Rights and contact".


7. Automated decision-making

Automated decision-making pursuant to Art. 22 GDPR, which has legal effects on you or affects you significantly in a similar way, shall not take place.


8. Storage period

As a matter of principle, we shall store your data for as long as is necessary to fulfil contractual services or as long as we have an authorised, legitimate interest in retaining them. We shall then erase the data, with the exception of such data that we must continue to retain in order to fulfil legal obligations.


9. Rights and contact

You shall have the following rights with respect to your personal information, which are possibly subject to certain conditions or limitations: 


right to information, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and to data portability, as well as a right to object and the right to withdraw consent at any time. The lawfulness of processing up to the time of objection/withdrawal of consent shall remain unaffected by this. In declaring an objection/withdrawal of consent, you will not incur any costs other than a basic fee. 


We kindly request that you submit your data protection enquiries via www.hager.de/dsgvo-anfrage.


You yourself have the option to erase the flow installation (under "System"), erase your user account and uninstall the application. We have to inform you that this will lead to functional limitations and thereby to a limitation of contractual services.

If you have any questions about these technical possibilities, please use our contact form for product enquiries.

If you have any feedback or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

Beauftragter für den Datenschutz, Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Zum Gunterstal, 66440 Blieskastel, Germany, e-mail: datenschutz@hager.de

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for us is: 

Unabhängiges Datenschutzzentrum Saarland, Fritz-Dobisch-Straße 12, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany, tel.: +49(0)681/947810, e-mail: poststelle@datenschutz.saarland.de.


10. Data security

We implement a comprehensive framework of state-of-the-art technical and organisational measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data, as well as the availability and resilience of systems and services in order to ensure that your data is protected effectively against unlawful destruction, alteration, loss, unauthorised disclosure and unauthorised access. These measures are regularly reviewed, updated and adapted to technological developments. 


You can find further information about our security measures here.