EMT Website general information note on respect for privacy



Last update: July 2022



Hager respects your privacy. We wish to communicate transparently about the various forms of personal data that we collect, both in regard to yourselves as “data subjects”, and in regard to the use we make of such data. This Note explains how we deal with the personal data we collect when you visit this web platform (aka “Website” in what follows below). This Note also informs you on how to exercise your rights to personal privacy.

We invite you to consult our general policy of data confidentiality which is attached as a supplement to this Note. It will provide you with comprehensive information on the manner in which Hager handles your personal data.


1. Direct links


We recommend that you read the whole of this Information Note end-to-end, so as to be fully informed of data collection issues, whether direct or indirect. Otherwise, you can click below on a relevant link in this Note to directly access any particular section you may wish to consult.




1. Direct links. 

2 Types of personal data collected, and why we collect such data. 

3. For what purposes do we use your personal data?.

4. With whom do we share your personal data?.

5. What is the legal basis of our use of your personal data?. 

6. Transfer of personal data outside EU/EEA. 

7. Personal data storage time. 

8. How do we protect your personal data?.

9. Minors. 

10. What are your rights in the matter of data confidentiality and how are they exercised?. 

11. External links. 

12. Updating this Information Note. 

13. Contact us. 



2.  Types of personal data collected, and why we collect such data

Hager Website collects various types of personal data. The personal information collected generally falls into the following categories:


Information which you provide voluntarily


In certain parts of our Website, you may be asked to provide, if you so choose, personal data such as:


  • Professional contact details including where neccessary, identification of professional affiliation such as gender prefix( Mr / Ms), last and first name, work contact information, telephone number and e-mail;
  • credit card information if you opt for paying registration fees from your personal bank account.


At the time of certain training sessions or of certain events, we may also make image or video recordings and hence deal with further personal data in the form of records of your image and/or voice. The personal data you are invited to provide and the reasons why you are invited to do so will be clearly stated in the relevant registration forms.


Information received by Hager from third parties


It may be that your registration for one of our events is made by a third party on your behalf (work colleague, training manager in your company, etc.). If so, Hager handles these personal data in the configuration in which they are received.

When a registration is made and recapitulatory e-mail dispatched, we request as soon as you receive it, to check the information it contains and to contact us (see paragraph 13 “Contact us” below) to notify any inaccuracy and/or exercise your rights. 


Automatically collected information


When you visit this Website, we may collect certain information automatically from the device you are using. In such cases we use cookies and similar tracing technologies (collectively known as “cookies”), in order to collect your personal data. You have the right to refuse cookies and hence refuse the collection of the personal data that cookies may facilitate.

For more information on the types of cookies that we use, why we use them, and how you can control them, we suggest you consult our Cookies Information Note.



3. For what purposes do we use your personal data?

We use the personal data we collect from you for the following purposes:

to create your account identify you on the Website and enable you to identify yourself when importing your data from your MyHager account; Effective communication about the event you have registered for, and responding to your questions or requests for further information; Online management of your registration through our Website; issuance and payment of invoices; Mangement of of transportation, board and lodging services while the event is under way; Preparing your certificates of training, certifications and other training follow-up documents, as required by law; To draft and make available to you the materials and other documents relating to your training session, including images and videos captured during the event, To communicate with you while the event is taking place; To send you satisfaction surveys relating to event organisation, or information or promotional material on our products and on services proposed, or to register you as a recipient of our newsletter.

We use the personal data collected from you solely for the purposes described herein, or for the purposes that we make known to you at the time of personal data collection.



4. With whom do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data with the following categories of recipients:

  • Partner hosting the website registering attendees at events organised by Hager,
  • Companies affiliated to Hager or external service providers or partners providing various services (among them, eating / restaurant facilities, accommodation and reservations for such services, and who for such purposes handle your data in another manner and for other purposes than described herein, or for reasons which we may ourselves notify at the time of our own personal data collection),
  • Partner chosen by Hager to facilitate online payment for the events you have registered to attend,
  • Other attendees of the events which you attend, when we share videos or images of the events in question,
  • The general public when these videos or images are shared on our corporate websites

We do not communicate your data to other recipients than those we have informed you of, unless—in the event of a new use of your personal data—we first make known to you the purposes and legal basis of such new use.



5. What is the legal basis of our use of your personal data?

Our use of your personal data is compliant to legislation on personal data protection. Depending on the situation, we use personal data in the following manners:


  • In order to meet a legal obligation,
  • In our legitimate interest or in that of a third party,
  • In order to enter into a contractual relationship with you,
  • Or after having obtained your consent.


The different legal bases for our collection and processing of your data depend on the nature of the data and reasons for which that data may be processed.  The personal data collection form available from Hager Website contains information on the legal basis of the data processing in question.



6. Transfer of personal data outside EU/EEA

Hager business is global and consequently your personal data may be transferred and processed in countries other than that of your personal residence. In some cases, these countries may be located outside the European Economic Area (which comprises members of the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein), and the data protection laws of these countries may differ from those of your country of residence.


In such cases, we provide you with the assurance that your personal data will be transferred to countries outside the EEA which are judged to be “adequate” by the European Commission(you can see a list of eligible countries here). When your personal data are not sent to an “adequate” country, we adopt methods of appropriate protection in order to guarantee that your personal data remain protected throughout their processing outside the EEA.

Useful information about these issues is further detailed in the relevant registration forms.



7. Personal data storage time



We stop keeping your personal data as soon as they are no longer needed for the purposes we collected them.

However, we may be required by law to store such data. Nevertheless, as soon as there is no reason for further processing of your personal data, we take appropriate steps to erase or anonymise them.



8. How do we protect your personal data?



We are committed to the protection of your personal data. We employ strong methods of protection in order to protect the confidentiality and security of the personal data on our Website through the adoption of technological, physical and administrative security measures. We oversee the application of the measures most suited to each situation and to each stage of the processing of your personal data.



9. Minors

The services Hager proposes on this Website are intended for adults of legal age. We invite you to consult the legislation applicable in your country. If you are not of legal age, we request that you do not enter personal data of any kind until you have reached that age.



10. What are your rights in the matter of data confidentiality and how are they exercised?

You have the following rights under data protection law:

  • Right of access to your personal data on request, and of obtaining a copy thereof.
  • You may also demand the rectification or supplementation of personal data when they are inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Depending on certain legal circumstances you may also:
    • Require erasure of personal data,
    • Oppose the processing of personal data,
    • Request Hager to limit the extent or scope of personal data processing,
    • Require personal data portability.
  • If our processing of personal data takes place with your consent, you may withdraw consent at any time.
  • It is also open to you to make a complaint regarding the collection and use of personal data by Hager, raising such complaint with a data protection authority. For further information, please contact your local data protection authority.

You may at all times exercise one of the rights described above by contacting Hager, as shown in the section “Contact us” below, or by using the GDPR Request.



11. External links

If any part of our Website contains links to third-party websites, these third-party websites are not covered by this Note. Hager is not responsible for the online collection of data by third party websites. We suggest that you read the information notes on respect for privacy, available on the websites in question.



12. Updating this Information Note

This Information Note on respect for privacy may be updated to reflect changes in the legal, technical or commercial fields. The date of last update is shown at the head of this Information Note.



13. Contact us

If you have any questions, complaints or problems in connection with this Information Note, or regarding the manner in which we handle your personal data, we invite you to contact us at the address below:



Martina Renner

Verimax GmbH Warndststraße

115, 66127 Saarbrücken

Tel.: +49 89 8006578-0
