Privacy Notice

Global Web­site Pri­vacy No­tice

Last updated: May 2018


At Ha­ger, we res­pect your pri­vacy and we want to be trans­pa­rent about the ty­pes of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect about you and how we use it. In this Web­si­te Pri­vacy No­tice (he­reaf­ter the "Notice"), we ex­plain who we are, how we col­lect, sha­re and use per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we ob­tain from you when you vi­sit a web plat­form (he­reaf­ter the "Website"), and how you can ex­erci­se your pri­vacy rights.

Plea­se note that this No­tice desc­ri­bes the col­lec­tion of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that ta­kes place ge­ne­ral­ly on all Ha­ger web­si­tes and the speci­fic pro­ces­sing ac­ti­vi­ties that take place on each Ha­ger web­si­tes may be dif­fe­rent. The­re­fo­re, some of the pro­ces­sing ac­ti­vi­ties desc­ri­bed in this No­tice might not ap­ply to the par­ticu­lar Ha­ger web­si­te that you are vi­si­ting.

If you have any ques­tions or con­cerns about our use of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, then plea­se con­tact us us­ing the con­tact de­tails pro­vi­ded at the bot­tom of this No­tice.

The Web­si­te that you are vi­si­ting is ma­na­ged by the lo­cal Ha­ger af­fi­lia­te (he­reaf­ter "Hager"), who is the data cont­rol­ler for all per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that is col­lec­ted via a Web­si­te.

1. Quick links

We re­com­mend that you read this No­tice in full to en­su­re you are ful­ly in­for­med. Howe­ver, if you only want to ac­cess a par­ticu­lar sec­tion of this No­tice, then you can click on the re­le­vant link be­low to jump to that sec­tion.

2. What per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect and why
3. For what pur­po­ses we use your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion
4. Who we sha­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion with
5. On what le­gal ba­sis we process your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion
6. Trans­fers of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion out­si­de the EU/EEA
7. How long we sto­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion
8. How we pro­tect your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion
9. Mi­nors
10. What data pro­tec­tion rights you have and how you can exerci­se them
11. Ex­ter­nal links
12. Up­da­tes to this No­tice
13. How to con­tact us

2. What per­sonal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect and why

We col­lect va­ri­ous ty­pes of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion on our Web­si­te. The per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that we may col­lect about you broad­ly falls into the fol­low­ing ca­te­go­ries:

Information that you provide voluntarily

Cer­tain parts of our Web­si­te may ask you to pro­vi­de per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion vo­lun­ta­ri­ly, in­clu­ding:

  • your con­tact de­tails: such as first and last name, date of birth, ad­dress, pho­ne num­ber, e-mail ad­dress, gen­der;

  • de­tails about the pro­ducts/ser­vices you are us­ing or in­te­res­ted in;

  • cre­dit card de­tails;

  • busi­ness con­tact de­tails, in­clu­ding your busi­ness af­fi­lia­tion;

  • CVs and job ap­plica­tions for on­li­ne rec­ruit­ment pur­po­ses.

The per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that you are as­ked to pro­vi­de, and the rea­sons why you are as­ked to pro­vi­de it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to pro­vi­de your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

Information that we collect automatically

When you vi­sit our Web­si­te, we may col­lect cer­tain in­for­ma­tion au­to­ma­tical­ly from your de­vice. In some count­ries, in­clu­ding count­ries in the Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area, this in­for­ma­tion may be con­si­de­red per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion un­der ap­plic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion laws.

Speci­fi­cal­ly, the in­for­ma­tion we col­lect au­to­ma­tical­ly may in­clu­de in­for­ma­tion like your IP ad­dress, de­vice type, unique de­vice iden­ti­fica­tion num­bers, brow­ser-type, pre­fe­rences, broad geo­grap­hic loca­tion (e.g. count­ry or city-le­vel loca­tion) and ot­her tech­nical in­for­ma­tion. We may also col­lect in­for­ma­tion about how your de­vice has in­te­rac­ted with our Web­si­te, in­clu­ding the pa­ges ac­ces­sed and links clic­ked.

Col­lec­ting this in­for­ma­tion en­ables us to bet­ter un­ders­tand the vi­si­tors who come to our Web­si­te, whe­re they come from, and what con­tent on our Web­si­te is of in­te­rest to them. We use this in­for­ma­tion for our in­ter­nal ana­ly­tics pur­po­ses and to im­pro­ve the qua­li­ty and re­le­vance of our Web­si­te to our vi­si­tors.

We use coo­kies and si­mi­lar trac­king tech­no­lo­gy (col­lec­ti­ve­ly, “Coo­kies”) to col­lect and use per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion about you. For furt­her in­for­ma­tion about the ty­pes of Coo­kies we use, why, and how you can cont­rol Coo­kies, plea­se see our Cookie Notice.

Information that we obtain indirectly from third parties

From time to time, we may re­cei­ve per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion about you that we ob­tain from ot­her sources (for ex­am­ple: ins­tal­lers when they crea­te an ac­count on your be­half on one of our Web­si­tes).

The ty­pes of in­for­ma­tion we col­lect from third par­ties may in­clu­de: email ad­dress, de­tails about your exis­ting ins­tal­la­tion, etc. We use this in­for­ma­tion to main­tain and im­pro­ve the accu­racy of the records we hold about you, to pro­vi­de tech­nical as­sis­tance for the set­ting-up or main­te­nance of our so­lu­tions and to ma­na­ge our cus­to­mer ac­count re­la­tions­hip with you.

3. For what pur­poses we use your per­sonal in­for­ma­tion

We use the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect from you for the fol­low­ing pur­po­ses:

  • to crea­te your ac­count on our Web­si­te;

  • to com­mu­nica­te ef­fi­cient­ly with you and to an­swer any ques­tions or que­ries you may have

  • to ma­na­ge your on­li­ne purc­ha­ses on our Web­si­te;

  • to ad­mi­nis­ter and mo­ni­tor the sta­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance of our Web­si­te in or­der to im­pro­ve it;

  • to en­su­re the con­tent on our Web­si­te is re­le­vant to you and is pre­sen­ted in the most ef­fec­ti­ve man­ner for you;

  • to send you in­for­ma­tion or pro­mo­tions on our pro­ducts and pro­po­sed ser­vices;

  • to subsc­ri­be you to our news­let­ter;

  • to send you per­so­na­lized ad­ver­ti­se­ments that we think may in­te­rest you ba­sed on your pre­fe­rences and your use of our Web­si­te;

  • to no­ti­fy you when up­da­tes of our Web­si­te are avai­lable and of chan­ges to any pro­ducts or ser­vices we of­fer or pro­vi­de th­rough it;

  • to un­ders­tand your pre­fe­rences and im­pro­ve your ex­pe­ri­ence and cus­to­mer sa­tis­fac­tion when you vi­sit our Web­si­te and our ser­vices;

  • to car­ry out sta­tis­tical ana­ly­ses on the use of this Web­si­te and vi­sit fre­quency; and

  • for on­li­ne rec­ruit­ment pur­po­ses (plea­se read the Jobs Ap­plica­tion Pri­vacy No­tice that is avai­lable on our Web­si­te.

We will use the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion we col­lect from you only for the pur­po­ses desc­ri­bed in this No­tice or for pur­po­ses that we ex­plain to you at the time we col­lect your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

4. Who we share your per­sonal in­for­ma­tion with

We may dis­clo­se your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion to the fol­low­ing ca­te­go­ries of reci­pients:

  • to Ha­ger af­fi­lia­tes, third par­ty ser­vice pro­vi­ders and part­ners who pro­vi­de data pro­ces­sing ser­vices to us (for ex­am­ple, to sup­port the de­li­ve­ry of, pro­vi­de func­tio­na­li­ty on, or help to en­hance the secu­ri­ty of our Web­si­te), or who ot­herwi­se process per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for pur­po­ses that are desc­ri­bed in this No­tice or no­ti­fied to you when we col­lect your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion;

  • to any com­pe­tent law en­force­ment body, re­gu­la­to­ry, go­vern­ment agency, court or ot­her third par­ty whe­re we be­lie­ve such dis­clo­su­re is neces­sa­ry (i) as a mat­ter of com­ply­ing with ap­plic­a­ble laws or re­gu­la­tions, (ii) to ex­erci­se, es­tab­lish or de­fend our le­gal rights, or (iii) to pro­tect your vi­tal in­te­rests or tho­se of any ot­her per­son;

  • to a po­ten­tial bu­yer (and its agents and ad­vi­sers) in con­nec­tion with any pro­po­sed purc­ha­se, mer­ger or ac­qui­si­tion of any part of our busi­ness, pro­vi­ded that we in­form the bu­yer it must use your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion only for the pur­po­ses dis­clo­sed in this No­tice;

  • to any ot­her per­son with your con­sent to the dis­clo­su­re.


5. On what le­gal ba­sis we process your per­sonal in­for­ma­tion

We will process the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion col­lec­ted on our Web­si­te ba­sed on the neces­si­ty to ma­na­ge our re­la­tions­hip with you, ba­sed on our le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­rests which will de­pend on the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion con­cer­ned and the speci­fic con­text in which we col­lect it, or ba­sed on your con­sent.

If we ask you to pro­vi­de per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion to com­ply with a le­gal re­qui­re­ment or to per­form a cont­ract with you, we will make this clear at the re­le­vant time and ad­vi­se you whet­her the pro­vi­sion of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is man­da­to­ry or not (as well as of the pos­sible con­se­quences if you do not pro­vi­de your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion).

Si­mi­lar­ly, if we col­lect and use your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion in re­liance on our le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­rests (or tho­se of any third par­ty), we will make clear to you at the re­le­vant time what tho­se le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­rests are.


6. Trans­fers of per­sonal in­for­ma­tion out­side the EU/EEA

We ope­ra­te at a glo­bal le­vel and, as a re­sult, your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion may be trans­fer­red to, and pro­ces­sed in, count­ries ot­her than the count­ry in which you are re­si­dent. In some ca­ses, the­se count­ries may be loca­ted out­si­de the Eu­ro­pean Union / Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area (EU/EEA) and the­re­fo­re may have data pro­tec­tion laws that are dif­fe­rent to the laws of your count­ry of re­si­dence.

Speci­fi­cal­ly, our Web­si­te ser­vers are loca­ted in the EU/EEA, but we may sha­re or give ac­cess to your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion to Ha­ger af­fi­lia­tes, third par­ty ser­vice pro­vi­ders and part­ners who may be ope­ra­ting out­si­de the EU/EEA (for ex­am­ple, we may use web hos­ting pro­vi­ders or cloud com­pu­ting ser­vice pro­vi­ders who sto­re or ac­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion out­si­de the EU/EEA).

Whe­re that is the case, we make sure that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is trans­fer­red to third count­ries out­si­de the EU/EEA that are dee­med "ad­e­qua­te" by the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion (a list of ad­e­qua­te count­ries is avai­lable here), or al­ter­na­ti­ve­ly, whe­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is not sent to a count­ry that pro­vi­des ad­e­qua­te pro­tec­tion, we will put in place ap­pro­pria­te sa­fe­guards to gua­ran­tee that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion re­mains pro­tec­ted whi­le it is be­ing pro­ces­sed out­si­de the EU/EEA in ac­cor­dance with ap­plic­a­ble pri­vacy laws. The­se ap­pro­pria­te sa­fe­guards may in­clu­de sig­ning the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion’s Stan­dard Cont­rac­tual Clauses with the Ha­ger af­fi­lia­te, third par­ty ser­vice pro­vi­der or part­ner out­si­de the EU/EEA with whom we sha­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. For furt­her in­for­ma­tion about trans­fers of per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion out­si­de the EU/EEA, plea­se re­fer to the "How to con­tact us" sec­tion be­low.

7. How long we store your per­sonal in­for­ma­tion

We will re­tain your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for as long as neces­sa­ry to en­able us to ful­fil the pur­po­ses desc­ri­bed in this No­tice and whe­re we have an on­go­ing le­gi­ti­ma­te busi­ness need to do so (for ex­am­ple, to pro­vi­de you with a ser­vice you have re­ques­ted).

Once the pur­po­se for pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion no lon­ger ex­ists, or the pe­riod of re­ten­tion has ex­pi­red, or if you ask us to de­le­te your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, we may con­ti­nue to sto­re your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for a li­mi­ted pe­riod of time if neces­sa­ry to com­ply with ap­plic­a­ble le­gal, tax or ac­coun­ting re­qui­re­ments.

When we no lon­ger have a pur­po­se to process your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, we will make sure your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is eit­her de­le­ted or ano­ny­mi­sed.

8. How we pro­tect your per­sonal in­for­ma­tion

We are com­mit­ted to en­su­ring the secu­ri­ty of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. We uti­lize ro­bust pre­cau­tions to pro­tect the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and secu­ri­ty of the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion wit­hin our Web­si­te, by em­plo­ying tech­no­lo­gi­cal, phy­sical and ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­ve secu­ri­ty sa­fe­guards, such as fi­re­walls and ca­re­ful­ly de­ve­lo­ped secu­ri­ty proce­du­res, for ex­am­ple, when you en­ter con­fi­den­tial in­for­ma­tion (such as lo­gin cre­den­tials or in­for­ma­tion sub­mit­ted from wit­hin the Web­si­te). We enc­rypt the trans­mis­sion of that in­for­ma­tion us­ing secu­re soc­ket layer tech­no­lo­gy (SSL). The­se tech­no­lo­gies, proce­du­res and ot­her mea­su­res are used in an ef­fort to en­su­re that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion re­mains safe, secu­re, and only avai­lable to you and to tho­se you aut­ho­rized to ac­cess your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. Howe­ver, no in­ter­net, e-mail or ot­her elect­ro­nic trans­mis­sion is ever ful­ly secu­re or er­ror free, so you should take care in deci­ding what in­for­ma­tion you send to us in this way.


9. Mi­nors

The ser­vices we pro­vi­de on this Web­si­te are not in­ten­ded for in­di­vi­du­als be­low the age of 18. If you are un­der 18, plea­se do not pro­vi­de your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion on this Web­si­te.


10. What data pro­tec­tion rights you have and how you can ex­er­cise them

You have the fol­low­ing data pro­tec­tion rights:

  • You may re­quest ac­cess to and ob­tain a copy of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

  • You may also re­quest that any per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion that is in­accu­ra­te or in­com­ple­te be rec­ti­fied or com­ple­ted.

  • You may re­quest that your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion be era­sed un­der cer­tain le­gal con­di­tions (for ex­am­ple, whe­re the per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion is no lon­ger nee­ded to ac­hie­ve the pur­po­ses for which the in­for­ma­tion was ini­tial­ly col­lec­ted).

  • In ad­di­tion, you may ob­ject to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, ask us to re­strict pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion or re­quest por­ta­bi­li­ty of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion un­der cer­tain le­gal con­di­tions.

  • You have the right to opt-out of elect­ro­nic mar­ke­ting com­mu­nica­tions we send you at any time and free of char­ge. You can ex­erci­se this right by clic­king on the “un­subsc­ri­be” or “opt-out” link in the mar­ke­ting e-mails we send you. To opt-out of ot­her forms of mar­ke­ting (such as pos­tal mar­ke­ting or te­le­mar­ke­ting), then plea­se con­tact us us­ing the con­tact de­tails pro­vi­ded un­der the “How to con­tact us” hea­ding be­low.

  • Si­mi­lar­ly, if we have col­lec­ted and process your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion with your con­sent, then you can with­draw your con­sent at any time.

  • With­draw­ing your con­sent will not af­fect the law­ful­ness of any pro­ces­sing we con­duc­ted prior to your with­drawal, nor will it af­fect pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion con­duc­ted in re­liance on law­ful pro­ces­sing grounds ot­her than con­sent.

  • You have the right to com­plain to a data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty about our col­lec­tion and use of your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion. For more in­for­ma­tion, plea­se con­tact your lo­cal data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty. Con­tact de­tails for data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties in the Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area, Switzer­land and cer­tain non-Eu­ro­pean count­ries (in­clu­ding the US and Ca­na­da) are avail­able here.

You may ex­erci­se any of the rights abo­ve at any time by con­tac­ting us as desc­ri­bed un­der the “How to con­tact us” sec­tion be­low. We will res­pond to your re­quest in ac­cor­dance with ap­plic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion laws.

11. Ex­ter­nal links

If any part of our Web­si­te pro­vi­des links to third par­ty web­si­tes, tho­se web­si­tes do not ope­ra­te un­der this No­tice. We are not res­pon­sible for the on­li­ne col­lec­tion on third par­ties' web­si­tes and we re­com­mend you exa­mi­ne the pri­vacy no­tices pos­ted on tho­se web­si­tes to un­ders­tand their proce­du­res for col­lec­ting, us­ing and dis­clo­sing per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion.

12. Up­dates to this No­tice

We may up­da­te this Pri­vacy No­tice in res­pon­se to chan­ging le­gal, tech­nical or busi­ness de­ve­lop­ments and whe­re that is the case, we will pro­vi­de an up­da­ted ver­sion of this Pri­vacy No­tice on our Web­si­te.

You can see when this Pri­vacy No­tice was last up­da­ted by chec­king the “last up­da­te” date dis­played at the top of this Pri­vacy No­tice.

13. How to con­tact us

If you have any ques­tions, con­cerns or com­plaints about this No­tice, or the way we process your per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion, or if you want to ex­erci­se your rights as desc­ri­bed abo­ve, plea­se use this request form.

If you are a cus­to­mer of Ha­ger, plea­se also note our Global Customer Privacy Policy.