

Every rea­son­able ef­fort has been made to en­sure that the in­for­ma­tion in this web site was ac­cu­rate at the time of pub­li­ca­tion, Hager Group does not war­rant its ac­cu­racy and dis­claims any li­a­bil­ity to any third party any­where in the world for any in­jury, dam­age, di­rect or in­di­rect loss, con­se­quen­tial or eco­nomic loss or any other loss suf­fered as a re­sult of the use or re­liance upon the in­for­ma­tion con­tained in this web site to the max­i­mum ex­tent per­mit­ted by law.


Is­sued by
Hager Group

Hager SE

Zum Gun­ter­stal

66440 Blieskas­tel (Ger­many)

Tel: 06842 945-0

Fax: 06842 945-2409


Legal form : So­ci­etas Eu­ropaea (SE)

Registered office : Blieskas­tel, Ger­many

Registration number : Saar­brücken HRB 16434

Board Members : Daniel Hager (Chair­man of the Board), Mike El­bers, Philippe Fer­ragu, Franck Houde­bert

V.A.T number : DE138104710